Selected Cases by Article & Issues

Article 1650 Cases (1) This Convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different States:

(a) when the States are Contracting States; or

(b) when the rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a Contracting State.

(2) The fact that the parties have their places of business in different States is to be disregarded whenever this fact does not appear either from the contract or from any dealings between, or from information disclosed by, the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract.

(3) Neither the nationality of the parties nor the civil or commercial character of the parties of the contract is to be taken into consideration in determining the application of this Convention.
Number Issue # Cases
1 Material scope of application 2
1.1 Contract of sale of goods 20
1.1.1 Civil or commercial character of the contract not relevant 0
1.1.2 Contracts for the sale of software 5
1.1.3 Contracts similar to contract of sale 1 Distributorship agreements 27 Other cases (barter, counter-trade, works contracts, etc.) 11
1.2 Parties with places of business in different States 48
1.2.1 Concept of place of business 3
1.2.2 Concept of different States 3 Undisclosed foreign principal 0
2 Territorial scope of application 15
2.1 Parties situated in Contracting States 370
Country Date Court
Albania 11-09-2014 Court of Appeal of Tirana
Cases: 1
Arbitral Award 00-00-1992 ICC Court of Arbitration - Paris
Arbitral Award 00-00-1993 ICC Court of Arbitration - Paris
Arbitral Award 00-00-1994 ICC Court of Arbitration - Paris
Arbitral Award 00-00-1994 ICC Court of Arbitration - Paris
Arbitral Award 17-11-1995 Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Court of Arbitration
Arbitral Award 24-04-1996 Bulgarska turgosko-promishlena palata (Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Arbitral Award 23-01-1997 ICC Court of Arbitration - Paris
Arbitral Award 10-12-1997 Schiedsgericht der Börse für Landwirtschaftliche Produkte - Wien
Arbitral Award 12-02-1998 Bulgarska turgosko-promishlena palata (Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Arbitral Award 29-12-1998 Schiedsgericht Hamburger Freundschaftliche Arbitrage
Arbitral Award 07-04-1999 CIETAC China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
Arbitral Award 01-02-2000 CIETAC China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
Arbitral Award 13-06-2000 Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation
Arbitral Award 10-06-2002 CIETAC China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
Arbitral Award 00-00-2003 ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitral Award 30-01-2007 International Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Arbitral Award 01-02-2007 International Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Arbitral Award 18-04-2008 CIETAC China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
Arbitral Award 26-12-2014 China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
Arbitral Award 14-02-2018 Madrid Court of Arbitration
Arbitral Award 26-12-2022 Madrid International Arbitration Centre
Cases: 21
Argentina 20-05-1991 Juzgado Nacional de Primera Instancia en lo Comercial No. 7
Argentina 16-10-2013 Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Comercial
Cases: 2
Australia 28-04-1995 Federal Court, South Australia District Adelaide
Australia 24-05-2004 Supreme Court of Western Australia
Australia 28-09-2010 Federal Court of Australia
Cases: 3
Austria 27-10-1994 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 10-11-1994 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 20-03-1997 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 18-06-1997 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 08-09-1997 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 11-09-1997 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 25-06-1998 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 10-09-1998 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 29-06-1999 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 13-04-2000 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 28-04-2000 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 05-07-2001 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 07-03-2002 Oberlandesgericht Graz
Austria 29-07-2004 Oberlandesgericht Graz
Austria 26-01-2005 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 26-04-2005 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 23-05-2005 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 24-05-2005 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 21-06-2005 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 31-08-2005 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 23-01-2006 Oberlandesgericht Linz
Austria 12-09-2006 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 19-12-2007 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 31-08-2010 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 22-11-2011 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 13-12-2012 Oberster Gerichtshof
Austria 16-12-2015 Oberster Gerichtshof
Cases: 27
Belarus 17-04-2003 Economic Court of the Vitebsk Region
Belarus 20-05-2003 Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus
Belarus 20-05-2003 Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus
Belarus 10-02-2010 International Court of Arbitration at the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Belarus 26-05-2011 International Court of Arbitration at the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Belarus 18-12-2019 Supreme Court of Belarus
Cases: 6
Belgium 19-05-1999 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Hasselt
Belgium 20-10-2000 Tribunal de Commerce, Charleroi
Belgium 29-01-2001 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Ieper
Belgium 03-10-2001 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Kortrijk
Belgium 18-01-2002 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Mechelen
Belgium 12-05-2003 Hof van Beroep, Gent
Belgium 25-02-2004 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Hasselt
Belgium 20-09-2005 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Hasselt
Cases: 8
Brazil 09-05-2019 Court of Appeal, State of Santa Catarina
Cases: 1
Canada 16-12-1998 Ontario Court (General Division)
Canada 31-08-1999 Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Canada 06-10-2003 Ontario Supreme Court of Justice
Canada 14-11-2003 Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Canada 04-05-2004 Court of Appeal of Manitoba
Canada 28-10-2005 Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Cases: 6
Chile 22-02-2018 1 Juzgado Civil de Puerto Montt
Cases: 1
China 17-12-1999 Rizhao Intermediate People's Court, Shandong Province
China 25-12-2008 Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court
China 19-03-2009 Shanghai First Intermediate Court
China 25-11-2013 High People’s Court of Tianjin Municipality
China 27-12-2013 Zhejiang High People’s Court
China 30-04-2014 Supreme Court of the People’s Republic of China
China 30-06-2014 Supreme Court of the People's Republic of China
China 20-08-2014 High People’s Court of Zhejiang Province
China 20-04-2017 Tianjin High People’s Court
China 16-07-2018 People’s Court Shanghai Changning District
China 07-11-2018 Intermediate People’s Court Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province
China 24-12-2018 Higher People's Court Jiangsu Province
China 15-08-2019 Hunan Changsha Tianxin District People’s Court
China 25-08-2022 Intermediate People's Court Ningbo, Zhejiang Province
China 16-05-2023 Beijing City Intermediate People’s Court No. 4
China 31-07-2023 Higher People’s Court of Zhejiang Province
Cases: 16
Croatia 26-07-2005 High Commercial Court
Croatia 19-12-2006 High Commercial Court
Croatia 11-07-2007 High Commercial Court
Croatia 04-03-2008 High Commercial Court
Cases: 4
Czech Republic 29-03-2006 Supreme Court of the Czech Republic
Cases: 1
Denmark 21-12-2004 Vestre Landsret (Western High Court
Denmark 07-12-2012 District Court Horsens
Denmark 15-09-2015 SØ- & Handelsretten Domorg (Maritime and Commercial Court)
Cases: 3
Egypt 03-10-1995 CRCICA, Cairo
Egypt 23-12-2018 Supreme Court
Egypt 23-06-2020 Supreme Court
Cases: 3
Estonia 19-02-2004 Tallinna Ringkonnakohus
Cases: 1
Finland 18-02-1997 Court of Appeal, Turku
Finland 12-04-2002 Court of Appeal of Turku
Finland 18-12-2013 Turku Court of Appeal
Cases: 3
France 22-02-1995 Cour d'Appel de Grenoble, Chambre Commerciale
France 26-02-1995 Cour d'Appel de Grenoble, Chambre Commerciale
France 29-03-1995 Cour d'Appel de Grenoble, Chambre Commerciale
France 13-12-1995 Cour d'Appel de Paris
France 23-01-1996 Cour de Cassation
France 02-12-1997 Cour de Cassation
France 18-03-1998 Cour d'Appel de Paris, 1ére chambre, section D
France 21-10-1999 Cour d'Appel de Grenoble
France 30-01-2001 Court d'Appel d'Amiens
France 29-03-2001 Cour d'Appel d'Orléans
France 12-06-2001 Cour d'Appel de Colmar
France 02-10-2001 Cour de Cassation
France 28-11-2002 Court d'Appel de Versailles
France 18-12-2003 Cour d'Appel de Lyon
France 26-10-2004 Cour d'Appel de Poitiers
France 23-11-2004 Tribunal de Grande Instance de Versailles
France 25-02-2005 Cour d'Appel de Paris
France 04-10-2005 Cour de Cassation
France 27-09-2007 Cour d'Appel d'Amiens
France 27-05-2008 Court d'Appel de Rennes
France 03-11-2009 Cour de Cassation
France 12-03-2010 Tribunal de Commerce - Versailles
France 08-11-2011 Cour de Cassation
France 07-02-2012 Cour de Cassation
France 04-09-2012 Cour d'Appel de Reims
France 27-11-2012 Cour de Cassation
France 12-09-2013 Cour d'appel Bordeaux
France 03-10-2013 Cour d'appel de Rouen
France 06-11-2013 Cour d'appel de Colmar
France 06-02-2014 Cour d'appel de Douai
France 27-05-2014 Cour de Cassation
France 27-11-2014 Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence
France 07-01-2016 Cour d'appel de Bourges
France 18-10-2017 Cour d'appel de Colmar
France 09-07-2019 Cour de Cassation
France 26-10-2022 Cour de Cassation
France 26-10-2022 Cour of Cassation
France 17-05-2023 Cour de Cassation
France 07-02-2024 Cour d'appel de Paris
Cases: 39
Germany 03-07-1992 Landgericht Heidelberg
Germany 16-09-1992 Landgericht Berlin
Germany 30-09-1992 Landgericht Berlin
Germany 14-10-1992 Amtsgericht Zweibrücken
Germany 28-04-1993 Landgericht Krefeld
Germany 14-05-1993 Landgericht Aachen
Germany 18-01-1994 Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main
Germany 04-03-1994 Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main
Germany 14-06-1994 Amtsgericht Nordhorn
Germany 25-10-1994 Landgericht Darmstadt
Germany 09-11-1994 Landgericht Oldenburg
Germany 08-02-1995 Oberlandesgericht Hamm
Germany 08-02-1995 Oberlandesgericht München
Germany 08-02-1995 Oberlandesgericht München
Germany 15-02-1995 Bundesgerichtshof
Germany 15-02-1995 Landgericht Oldenburg
Germany 08-03-1995 Oberlandesgericht München
Germany 08-03-1995 Bundesgerichtshof
Germany 05-04-1995 Landgericht Landshut
Germany 21-08-1995 Landgericht Ellwangen
Germany 06-10-1995 Amtsgericht Kehl
Germany 11-10-1995 Landgericht Düsseldorf
Germany 12-10-1995 Landgericht Trier
Germany 11-07-1996 Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf
Germany 04-07-1997 Oberlandesgericht Hamburg
Germany 15-09-1997 Landgericht Heilbronn
Germany 24-03-1998 Landgericht Berlin
Germany 26-05-1998 Thüringener Oberlandesgericht
Germany 24-03-1999 Landgericht Flensburg
Germany 27-12-1999 Oberlandesgericht Dresden
Germany 13-04-2000 Amtsgericht Duisburg
Germany 09-01-2002 Bundesgerichtshof
Germany 29-01-2004 Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main
Germany 30-06-2004 Bundesgerichtshof
Germany 15-09-2004 Oberlandsgericht München
Germany 20-12-2004 Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart
Germany 02-03-2005 Bundesgerichtshof
Germany 03-08-2005 Landgericht Neubrandeburg
Germany 11-01-2006 Bundesgerichtshof
Germany 24-05-2006 Oberlandesgericht Köln
Germany 27-11-2007 Bundesgerichtshof
Germany 05-03-2008 Oberlandesgericht München
Germany 31-03-2008 Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart
Germany 26-09-2012 Bundesgerichtshof
Germany 13-02-2013 Oberlandesgericht Naumburg
Germany 24-09-2014 Bundesgerichshof
Germany 25-03-2015 Bundesgerichshof
Germany 26-11-2020 Bundesgerichtshof
Cases: 48
Greece 27-11-2007 Monomeles Protodikeio Thessalonikis
Greece 00-00-2009 Multi-Member Court of First Instance of Athens
Greece 03-11-2017 Monomeles Protodiketo Thessalonikis
Cases: 3
Hungary 24-03-1992 Metropolitan Court of Budapest
Hungary 21-05-1996 Metropolitan Court of Budapest
Cases: 2
Italy 12-07-2000 Tribunale di Vigevano
Italy 26-11-2002 Tribunale di Rimini
Italy 20-04-2004 Corte Suprema di Cassazione, Sez.Un.
Italy 11-01-2005 Tribunale di Padova - Sez. Este
Italy 21-11-2007 Tribunale di Rovereto
Italy 11-12-2008 Tribunale di Forlì
Italy 27-01-2009 Tribunale di Bolzano
Italy 16-02-2009 Tribunale di Forlì
Italy 12-11-2012 Tribunale di Forlì
Italy 24-01-2014 Tribunale di Trento
Italy 05-07-2019 Tribunale di Pisa
Italy 14-02-2020 Corte di Cassazione
Italy 24-11-2020 Corte Suprema di Cassazione
Italy 12-12-2022 Corte Suprema di Cassazione
Italy 31-01-2023 Tribunale di Napoli Nord
Italy 08-05-2023 Corte di Appello di Brescia
Cases: 16
Japan 06-12-2018 Tokyo Chiho Saibansho [District Court]
Japan 03-06-2019 Tokyo Chiho Saibansho [District Court]
Japan 16-06-2020 Tokyo Chiho Saibansho [District Court]
Japan 08-12-2020 Tokyo Chiho Saibansho [District Court]
Cases: 4
Mexico 04-05-1993 COMPROMEX, Comisión para la Protección del Comercio Exterior de Mexico
Mexico 24-03-2006 Tribunal de Apelación de Baja California
Mexico 03-10-2006 Juzgado Primero Civil de primera instancia del Distrito Judicial de Lerma de Villalba, Estado de México
Cases: 3
Netherlands 06-05-1994 Arrondissementsrechtbank Hertogenbosch
Netherlands 15-06-1994 Arrondissementsrechtbank Amsterdam
Netherlands 26-10-1994 Gerechtshof's Hertogenbosch
Netherlands 04-02-2005 Hoge Raad
Netherlands 18-07-2006 Gerechtshof Arnhem
Netherlands 02-01-2007 Gerechtshof's-Hertogenbosch
Netherlands 17-01-2007 Rechtbank Arnhem
Netherlands 29-05-2007 Gerechtshof's Hertogenbosch
Netherlands 18-07-2007 Rechtbank Utrecht
Netherlands 21-01-2009 Rechtbank Utrecht
Netherlands 25-02-2009 Rechtbank Rotterdam
Netherlands 09-03-2010 Gerechtshof's-Arnhem
Netherlands 28-11-2012 Rechtbank Rotterdam
Netherlands 22-04-2014 Court of Appeal, the Hague
Netherlands 25-03-2015 Rechtbank Midden-Nederland
Netherlands 17-04-2015 Hoge Raad
Netherlands 05-01-2022 Rechtbank Noord-Holland
Netherlands 15-02-2023 Rechtbank Rotterdam
Cases: 18
New Zealand 30-07-2010 High Court of New Zealand
New Zealand 03-06-2017 High Court – Auckland
Cases: 2
Poland 20-11-2008 Warsaw Court of Appeal
Poland 11-12-2008 Supreme Court of Poland
Poland 05-09-2012 Court of Appeals in Katowice
Poland 25-10-2012 Court of Appeals in Gdańsk
Poland 07-02-2013 Szczecin Court of Appeal
Poland 22-10-2014 Supreme Court of Poland
Poland 17-02-2016 Lodz Court of Appeal
Poland 03-03-2016 Poznan Court of Appeal
Poland 25-01-2017 Białystok Court of Appeal
Poland 02-06-2017 Supreme Court
Poland 30-05-2018 Białystok Court of Appeal
Poland 27-11-2018 Szczecin Court of Appeal
Cases: 12
Republic of Korea 05-12-2008 Seoul Central District Court
Republic of Korea 19-12-2008 Seoul Central District Court
Republic of Korea 23-02-2009 Seoul High Court
Republic of Korea 23-07-2009 Seoul High Court
Republic of Korea 13-04-2010 Suwon District Court
Republic of Korea 29-04-2010 Daegu District Court
Republic of Korea 14-10-2010 Seoul High Court
Cases: 7
Russian Federation 02-02-2000 Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation
Russian Federation 27-04-2005 Tribunal of Int'l Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce
Russian Federation 13-05-2008 International Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation 19-12-2008 International Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation 14-02-2012 Tenth Arbitration Appeal Court- Moscow
Russian Federation 03-12-2014 Tribunal of Int'l Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce
Cases: 6
Slovakia 05-02-2008 District Court - Bardejov
Slovakia 12-11-2008 Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic
Slovakia 24-02-2009 District Court Komarno
Slovakia 12-03-2009 District Court Komarno
Cases: 4
Slovenia 14-12-2005 Ljubljana High Court
Slovenia 09-04-2008 Ljubljana High Court
Slovenia 01-07-2013 Ljubljana Arbitration Centre
Slovenia 26-11-2014 High Court of Ljubljana
Slovenia 10-05-2017 High Court of Ljubljana
Slovenia 05-01-2021 High Court of Ljubljana
Cases: 6
Spain 29-03-2005 Juzgado de primera instancia - Tudela
Spain 26-09-2005 Audiencia Provincial de Palencia
Spain 22-05-2006 Juzgado de Primer Instancia, n. 3 de Badalona
Spain 06-11-2006 Audiencia Provincial de Girona
Spain 22-03-2007 Audiencia Provincial de Madrid
Spain 23-10-2007 Juzgado de Primera Instancia - La Laguna
Spain 17-01-2008 Tribunal Supremo
Spain 08-04-2008 Audiencia Provincial de Valencia
Spain 14-07-2009 Audiencia Provincial de Madrid
Spain 16-02-2012 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Provincial High Court
Spain 01-07-2013 Tribunal Supremo
Spain 18-07-2013 Audencia Provincial de Barcelona
Spain 13-05-2014 Audiencia Provincial, Barcelona
Spain 17-02-2015 Audiencia Provincial de Madrid
Spain 06-04-2015 Audencia Provincial de Valladolid (Section 1)
Spain 21-01-2016 Audiencia Provincial de Girona
Spain 10-03-2016 Audencia Provincial - Pontevedra
Spain 07-12-2016 Audencia Provincial - Cadiz
Spain 17-12-2019 Ad hoc Arbitration
Spain 06-07-2020 Tribunal Supremo
Cases: 20
Sweden 10-06-2016 Swedish Supreme Court
Cases: 1
Switzerland 09-09-1993 Handelsgericht Zürich
Switzerland 06-12-1993 Tribunal Cantonal de Vaud
Switzerland 29-06-1994 Tribunal Cantonal Valais
Switzerland 20-12-1994 Tribunal Cantonal Valais
Switzerland 26-04-1995 Handelsgericht Zürich
Switzerland 20-02-1997 Bezirksgericht der Saane
Switzerland 19-12-1997 Handelsgericht des Kantons Aargau
Switzerland 29-06-1998 Tribunal Cantonal de Sion
Switzerland 21-09-1998 Handelsgericht des Kantons Zürich
Switzerland 11-06-1999 Handelsgericht des Kantons Aargau
Switzerland 29-10-2003 Tribunale d'Appello di Lugano
Switzerland 13-01-2004 Schweizerisches Bundesgericht
Switzerland 19-02-2004 Schweizerisches Bundesgericht
Switzerland 07-07-2004 Schweizerisches Bundesgericht
Switzerland 05-04-2005 Schweizerisches Bundesgericht
Switzerland 19-09-2005 Tribunal Cantonal Valais
Switzerland 10-10-2005 Schweizerisches Bundesgericht
Switzerland 22-12-2005 Handelsgericht Zürich
Switzerland 28-01-2009 Tribunal cantonal du Valais
Switzerland 18-05-2009 Schweizerisches Bundesgericht
Switzerland 16-12-2009 Schweizerisches Bundesgericht
Switzerland 17-12-2009 Schweizerisches Bundesgericht
Switzerland 29-02-2016 Cour d'appel Tribunal Cantonal Vaud
Switzerland 28-05-2019 Schweizerisches Bundesgericht
Switzerland 03-11-2023 Handelsgericht des Kantons St. Gallen
Cases: 25
USA 06-12-1995 U.S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit
USA 28-10-1998 U.S. District Court, N.D., Illinois, Eastern Division
USA 09-03-1999 State of Minnesota, County of Hennepin District Court, Fourth Judicial District
USA 30-01-2001 U.S. District Court, N.D., California
USA 17-12-2001 U.S. District Court, S.D., Michigan
USA 21-06-2002 U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
USA 29-01-2003 U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division
USA 05-05-2003 U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal (9th Circuit)
USA 06-07-2004 U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, East. Div.
USA 19-03-2005 U.S. District Court, E.D., New York
USA 23-05-2005 U.S. Court of Appeals (7th Circuit)
USA 07-02-2006 U.S. District Court, Southern District, Texas, Houston Division
USA 04-04-2006 U.S. District Court, New Jersey
USA 13-04-2006 U.S. District Court, Western District Washington at Tacoma
USA 12-09-2006 U.S. Court of Appeals (11th Circuit)
USA 10-10-2006 U.S. District Court, Ohio
USA 31-01-2007 U.S. District Court, Minnesota
USA 19-07-2007 U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York
USA 19-07-2007 U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA 16-11-2007 U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit
USA 28-04-2008 U.S. District Court, District of Kansas
USA 09-05-2008 U.S. District Court, Delaware
USA 20-08-2008 U.S. District Court, New York (Southern District)
USA 15-04-2009 U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA 29-05-2009 U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York
USA 23-12-2009 U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Arkansas, Western Division
USA 21-01-2010 U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California
USA 31-03-2010 U.S. District Court, M.D. Alabama, Eastern Division
USA 06-07-2010 United States District Court for the District of Colorado
USA 21-07-2010 U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA 29-01-2011 U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
USA 08-02-2011 U.S. District Court, District of Maryland
USA 10-09-2013 U.S. District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania
USA 12-03-2015 U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York
USA 23-03-2015 U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York
USA 19-01-2016 U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
USA 09-09-2016 U.S. District Court, Delaware
USA 31-03-2017 U.S. District Court, Northern District Illinois
USA 09-02-2018 U.S. District Court, Minnesota
USA 09-05-2018 U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
USA 31-03-2021 U.S. District Court, California
USA 13-05-2021 U.S. District Court, Delaware
USA 20-09-2021 U.S. District Court, Texas
USA 21-11-2022 U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina
USA 11-04-2023 U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota
USA 04-03-2024 District Court Middle District of Florida
Cases: 46
Vietnam 16-03-2022 Binh Duong Province People Court
Cases: 1
2.2 Application of law of Contracting State based on rules of private international law 107
2.2.1 Application of Convention based on choice of parties 22
2.2.2 Choice of the law of Contracting State as governing law of contract 71
3 Convention as 'lex mercatoria' 13
Article 218 Cases
Article 350 Cases
Article 4161 Cases
Article 51 Cases
Article 684 Cases
Article 7221 Cases
Article 896 Cases
Article 954 Cases
Article 1010 Cases
Article 1134 Cases
Article 126 Cases
Article 132 Cases
Article 1449 Cases
Article 150 Cases
Article 163 Cases
Article 170 Cases
Article 1882 Cases
Article 1950 Cases
Article 200 Cases
Article 211 Cases
Article 220 Cases
Article 239 Cases
Article 245 Cases
Article 25100 Cases
Article 2624 Cases
Article 279 Cases
Article 283 Cases
Article 2924 Cases
Article 3017 Cases
Article 3156 Cases
Article 323 Cases
Article 3326 Cases
Article 344 Cases
Article 35145 Cases
Article 3628 Cases
Article 370 Cases
Article 3891 Cases
Article 39247 Cases
Article 4032 Cases
Article 412 Cases
Article 426 Cases
Article 432 Cases
Article 4410 Cases
Article 4543 Cases
Article 4613 Cases
Article 4724 Cases
Article 489 Cases
Article 49116 Cases
Article 5044 Cases
Article 5116 Cases
Article 525 Cases
Article 5377 Cases
Article 5410 Cases
Article 559 Cases
Article 560 Cases
Article 5770 Cases
Article 5820 Cases
Article 5925 Cases
Article 607 Cases
Article 6125 Cases
Article 6225 Cases
Article 6314 Cases
Article 6428 Cases
Article 651 Cases
Article 664 Cases
Article 6717 Cases
Article 680 Cases
Article 697 Cases
Article 701 Cases
Article 7130 Cases
Article 729 Cases
Article 7318 Cases
Article 74155 Cases
Article 7549 Cases
Article 7617 Cases
Article 7745 Cases
Article 78232 Cases
Article 7940 Cases
Article 8014 Cases
Article 8135 Cases
Article 8211 Cases
Article 831 Cases
Article 8431 Cases
Article 855 Cases
Article 867 Cases
Article 874 Cases
Article 8810 Cases
Article 890 Cases
Article 901 Cases
Article 910 Cases
Article 9210 Cases
Article 934 Cases
Article 940 Cases
Article 954 Cases
Article 966 Cases
Article 970 Cases
Article 980 Cases
Article 992 Cases
Article 10022 Cases
Article 1010 Cases
Total Cases in the database 3787