Selected Cases by Date

Year Count of Cases
1988 1
1989 8
1990 7
1991 16
1992 36
1993 36
1994 54
1995 85
00-00-1995 Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
00-00-1995 ICC Court of Arbitration, Basel
00-00-1995 ICC Court of Arbitration - Paris
00-00-1995 CIETAC China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
00-01-1995 ICC Court of Arbitration
04-01-1995 Cour de Cassation
24-01-1995 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Hasselt
25-01-1995 Arrondissementsrechtbank Middelburg
27-01-1995 Oberlandesgericht Hamm
01-02-1995 Oberlandesgericht Oldenburg
08-02-1995 Oberlandesgericht München
08-02-1995 Oberlandesgericht Hamm
08-02-1995 Oberlandesgericht München
08-02-1995 Landgericht München
15-02-1995 Landgericht Oldenburg
15-02-1995 Bundesgerichtshof
22-02-1995 Cour d'Appel de Grenoble, Chambre Commerciale
26-02-1995 Cour d'Appel de Grenoble, Chambre Commerciale
00-03-1995 ICC Court of Arbitration
00-03-1995 ICC Court of Arbitration
01-03-1995 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Hasselt
01-03-1995 Arrondissementsrechtbank Zwolle
03-03-1995 Tribunal of Int'l Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce
03-03-1995 Tribunal of Int'l Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce
08-03-1995 Oberlandesgericht München
08-03-1995 Amtsgericht Wangen
08-03-1995 Bundesgerichtshof
16-03-1995 Tribunal of Int'l Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce
20-03-1995 Landgericht München
24-03-1995 Corte di Appello di Genova
29-03-1995 Cour d'Appel de Grenoble, Chambre Commerciale
31-03-1995 Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main
05-04-1995 Landgericht Landshut
06-04-1995 Cour d'Appel de Paris, 1ére chambre, section C
12-04-1995 Court of Appeals of Oregon
25-04-1995 Tribunal of Int'l Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce
26-04-1995 Handelsgericht Zürich
26-04-1995 Cour d'Appel de Grenoble, Chambre Commerciale
28-04-1995 Federal Court, South Australia District Adelaide
02-05-1995 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Hasselt
12-05-1995 Amtsgericht Alsfeld
23-05-1995 Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main
24-05-1995 Oberlandesgericht Celle
29-05-1995 Landgericht München I
07-06-1995 Arrondissementsrechtbank Gravenhage
09-06-1995 Oberlandesgericht Hamm
09-06-1995 Corte Suprema di Cassazione, Sez. Un.
22-06-1995 Landgericht Kassel
23-06-1995 Amtsgericht München
30-06-1995 Gerichtskommission Oberrheintal
05-07-1995 Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main
20-07-1995 Landgericht Aachen
27-07-1995 Oberlandesgericht Rostock
09-08-1995 Arrondissementsrechtbank Almelo
21-08-1995 Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart
21-08-1995 Landgericht Ellwangen
22-08-1995 Gerechtshof's Arnhem
24-08-1995 Handelsgericht St. Gallen
13-09-1995 Cour d'Appel de Grenoble, Chambre Commerciale
18-09-1995 Chansha Intermediate Peoples' Court Economic Chamber
19-09-1995 Tribunal Commercial de Nivelles
21-09-1995 Handelsgericht Zürich
22-09-1995 Oberlandesgericht München
25-09-1995 Tribunal of Int'l Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce
26-09-1995 Cour d'Appel de Colmar, 1ère chambre civile
00-10-1995 ICC Court of Arbitration
03-10-1995 CRCICA, Cairo
05-10-1995 Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Court of Arbitration
06-10-1995 Amtsgericht Kehl
09-10-1995 Gerechtshof's Hertogenbosch
11-10-1995 Landgericht Düsseldorf
12-10-1995 Landgericht Trier
17-10-1995 Tribunal of Int'l Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce
18-10-1995 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Hasselt
31-10-1995 Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Comercial, Sala C
08-11-1995 Rechtbank van Koophandel, Hasselt
09-11-1995 Oberlandesgericht Graz
17-11-1995 Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Court of Arbitration
05-12-1995 Handelsgericht St. Gallen
05-12-1995 Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Court of Arbitration
05-12-1995 Landgericht Siegen
06-12-1995 U.S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit
12-12-1995 Landgericht Marburg
13-12-1995 Cour d'Appel de Paris
19-12-1995 Obergericht des Kantons Thurgau
1996 56
1997 73
1998 73
1999 52
2000 48
2001 32
2002 51
2003 32
2004 38
2005 48
2006 44
2007 42
2008 47
2009 41
2010 27
2011 20
2012 16
2013 21
2014 22
2015 15
2016 19
2017 14
2018 15
2019 16
2020 12
2021 10
2022 11
2023 12
2024 3
Total Cases in the database 1153