Selected Bibliography by Article
Article 9526 Bibliography Any State may declare at the time of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession that it will not be bound by subparagraph (1)(b) of article 1 of this Convention.
Author | Title | Publisher |
BERNASCONI, C. | The Personal and Territorial Scope of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Article 1) | Netherlands International Law Review, 1999, 137-170 |
BRIDGE, M.G., | The Bifocal World of International Sales: Vienna and Non-Vienna | CRANSTON, R. (ed.), MAKING COMMERCIAL LAW - ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF ROY GOODE (OXFORD), 1997, 277-296 |
CISG-A.C. | CISG-AC Opinion No. 15, Reservations under Articles 95 and 96 CISG | Available at the CISG-AC website, |
DE LY F., | Sources of International Sales Law: An Eclectic Model | in The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 1 - 12 |
EVANS M. | Arts. 89-95; 97-101 CISG | in: BIANCA C.M. / BONELL M.J. (eds.), Commentary on the International Sales Law, Giuffrè, Milano 1987, 633-657 and 661-676 |
FELTHAM, Y. | The Vienna Convention of 1980 and Canada (Colloque Ottawa 14.10.1987) | PERRET, L. / LACASSE, N. (eds.) COLLOQUE SUR LA VENTE INTERNATIONALE (MONTREAL, WILSON & LAFLEUR), 1989, 13-19 |
FERRARI F. | Artt. 89-101 CISG | in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 4th ed., C.H. Beck, München 2004 |
FERRARI F., | Short notes on the impact of the Article 95 reservation on the occasion of Prime Start Ltd. v. Maher Forest Products Ltd. et al., 17 July 2006 | in Internationals Handelsrecht 6/2006, pp. 248 - 252 |
HAVER P.M., | Adapting European Sales Conditions for Sales into the United States | in Business Law International, vol. 8/1, 2007, pp. 38-90 |
HERBER R. | Arts. 89-101 CISG | in: Schlechtriem P. (ed.), Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Oxford 1998, 685-705 |
HERBER R. | Arts. 89-101 CISG | in: CAEMMERER VON E. / SCHLECHTRIEM P., Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht - CISG, München 1990, 737-759 |
HERRMANN, G., | Anwendungsbereich des Wiener Kaufrechts - Kollisionsrechtliche Probleme | BUCHER, E. (ed.), WIENER KAUFRECHT, BERNER TAGE FÜR DIE JURISTISCHE PRAXIS 1990 (BERN), 1991, 83-102 |
HOYER, H., | International Sales and Security Interests with an Outline of Conflicts Laws | SARCEVIC, P. / VOLKEN, P. (eds.), INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS, DUBROVNIK LECTURES (NEW YORK, OCEANA), 1986, 401-442 |
LOEWE, R., | Campo de aplicación de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre la compraventa internacional de mercaderías y problemas de derecho internacional privado y conexos | COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL DE DERECHO MERCANTIL (CIUDAD DEL MEXICO 28/31.7.1981), ANUARIO JURIDICO, 1983, 19-30 |
MAGNUS, U. | Aktuelle Fragen des UN-Kaufrechts | ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR EUROPÄISCHES PRIVATRECHT (ZEuP), 1993, 79-99 |
MARCHAND, S., | Les limites de l"uniformisation matérielle du droit de la vente internationale | Basel (Helbing & Lichtenhahn), 1994 |
RECZEI, L., | The Area of Operation of the International Sales Conventions | 29 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 513-522 (1981) |
SCHLECHTRIEM P. | Arts. 89-101 CISG | in: Schlechtriem P. / Schwenzer I. (eds.), Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005, 915-939 |
TORSELLO, M., | Reservations to international uniform commercial law Conventions | Uniform Law Review, 2000, 85-120 |
WETHMAR-LEMMER, M. | The Impact of the Article 95 Reservation on the Sphere of Application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) | 43 De jure (Pretoria) (2010), pp. 362-379 |
WINSHIP, P., | Final Provisions of UNCITRAL"s International Commercial Law Conventions | 24 THE INTERNATIONAL LAWYER 711-734 (1990) |
WINSHIP, P., | Private International Law and the UN Sales Convention (Cornell Symposium) | 21 CORNELL INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 487-533 (1988) |
WINSHIP, P., | The Scope of the Vienna Convention on International Sales Contracts | GALSTON, N.M. / SMIT, H. (eds.), INTERNATIONAL SALES (CONFERENCE AT PARKER SCHOOL) (NEW YORK, MATTHEW BENDER), 1984, ch. 1 |
YANG, F. | PRC’s Two Reservations and the Application of the CISG in CIETAC Arbitration. | International Law Review of Wuhan University (Wuhan, China) 8, 2008, pp. 307-329. |
YONGPING, X., WEIDI, L. | Selected Topics on the Application of the CISG in China. | Pace International Law Review (White Plains, N.Y.), Spring 2008, pp. 61-92. |
ZIEGEL J., | The scope of the convention: reaching out to article one and beyond | in: The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 59-73 |
Total Bibliography in the database 3022