Selected Bibliography by Article
Article 2713 Bibliography Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Part of the Convention, if any notice, request or other communication is given or made by a party in accordance with this Part and by means appropriate in the circumstances, a delay or error in the transmission of the communication or its failure to arrive does not deprive that party of the right to rely on the communication.
Author | Title | Publisher |
DATE-BAH S.K. | Arts. 26-27 CISG | in: BIANCA C.M. / BONELL M.J. (eds.), Commentary on the International Sales Law, Giuffrè, Milano 1987, 222-231 |
LESER. H.G., | Vertragsaufhebung und Rückabwicklung unter dem UN-Kaufrecht | SCHLECHTRIEM, P. (ed.) EINHEITLICHES KAUFRECHT UNDNATIONALES OBLIGATIONENRECHT, (FACHTAGUNG FREIBURGI.BR. 16/17.2.1987) (BADEN-BADEN), 1987, 225-254 |
LIGUORI, F., | Il diritto uniforme della vendita internazionale: prassi e tendenze applicative della Convenzione di Vienna del 1980 | RIVISTA DI DIRITTO CIVILE (1999), 143-177 |
MAGNUS U., | The remedy of avoidance of contract under CISG - general remarks and special cases | in: The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 423-436 |
NOUSSIAS, K., | Die Zugangsbedürftigkeit von Mitteilungen nach den Einheitlichen Haager Kaufgesetzen und nach dem UN-Kaufgesetz, Diss. Freiburg 1981 (Heidelberg, Winter), 1982 | |
PILTZ, B., | INCOTERMS and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods | in: Pace International Law Review (ed.), Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Kluwer Law International, 1999, 41-51 |
POSCH, W. / KANDUT, G., | Die allgemeinen Bestimmungen über den Warenkauf: Art. 25-29 | HOYER, H. / POSCH, W. (eds.) DAS EINHEITLICHE WIENER KAUFRECHT (WIEN), 1992, 59-76 |
REINHART, G., | Zurückbehaltungsrecht und Unsicherheitseinrede nach UN-Kaufrecht im Vergleich zu EKG und BGB | SCHLECHTRIEM, P. (ed.), EINHEITLICHES KAUFRECHT UNDNATIONALES OBLIGATIONENRECHT (FACHTAGUNG FREIBURGI.BR. 16/17.2.1987) (BADEN-BADEN), 1987, 361-383 |
SCHLECHTRIEM P. | Art. 27 CISG | in: Schlechtriem P. / Schwenzer I. (eds.), Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005, 306-315 |
SCHLECHTRIEM P. | Art. 27 CISG | in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 4th ed., C.H. Beck, München 2004, 329-336 |
SCHLECHTRIEM, P., | Effectiveness and binding nature of declarations (notices, requests or other communications) under part II and part III of the CISG | REVIEW OF THE CONVENTION ON CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS (CISG) 95-114 (1995) |
STERN, E., | Erklärungen im UNCITRAL-Kaufrecht, Diss. Wien (Wien, Manz), 1990 | |
ZIEGLER von A., | The right of suspension and stoppage in transit (and notification thereof) | in: The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 353-374 |
Total Bibliography in the database 3022