Selected Bibliography by Article
Article 1713 Bibliography An offer, even if it is irrevocable, is terminated when a rejection reaches the offeror.
Author | Title | Publisher |
BYDLINSKI, F. | Das allgemeine Vertragsrecht (Symposium Bade-Wien 17/19.4.1983) | DORALT, P.(ed.), DAS UNCITRAL-KAUFRECHT IM VERGLEICH ZUM ÖSTERREICHISCHEN RECHT (WIEN, MANZ) 1985, 57-90 |
CARRARA, C., KUCKENBURG, J. | Rejection of Offer followed by Acceptance: Remarks on the Manner in which the Principles of European Contract Law may be used to interpret or supplement Article 17 of the CISG, in: John Felemegas ed., An International Approach to the Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) as Uniform Sales Law, 307-311 | Cambridge University Press, 2006 |
DILGER, K., | Das Zustandekommen von Kaufverträgen im Aussenhandel nach internationalem Einheitsrecht und nationalem Sonderrecht | RABELS ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR AUSLÄNDISCHES UND INTERNATIONALES PRIVATRECHT (RABELSZ), 1981, 169-195 |
EÖRSI G. | Arts. 14-17 CISG | in: BIANCA C.M. / BONELL M.J. (eds.), Commentary on the International Sales Law, Giuffrè, Milano 1987, 132-162 |
JAMETTI GREINER, M., | Der Vertragsabschluß - Zeitpunkt, Formvorschriften, rechtsgeschäftliche Erklärungen | HOYER, H. / POSCH, W. (eds.), DAS EINHEITLICHE WIENER KAUFRECHT (WIEN), 1992, 43-57 |
KLECKNER, M.E., | La proposta nella formazione del contratto di vendita internazionale | I CONTRATTI, 1993, 617 |
MOULY, C., | La conclusion du contrat selon la Convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale de marchandises (Dossier/Symposium: La Convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale) | DROIT ET PRATIQUE DU COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL, 1989, 400-421 |
MOULY, C., | La formation du contrat (Colloque Paris 1/2.12.1989) | DERAIN Y. / GHESTIN, J. (eds.), LA CONVENTION DE VIENNE SUR LA VENTE INTERNATIONALE ET LES INCOTERMS, (PARIS) 1990, 55-82 |
MURRAY, J.E. jr., | An Essay on the Formation of Contracts and Related Matters under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Symposium Pittsburgh 23.10.1987) | 8 JOURNAL OF LAW AND COMMERCE 11-51 (1988) |
SCHLECHTRIEM P. | Arts. 14-24 CISG | in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Commentary on UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005, 176-280 |
SCHLECHTRIEM P. | Artt. 14-24 CISG | in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 4th ed., C.H. Beck, München 2004, 217-306 |
SCHWENZER I./ MOHS F., | Old Habits Die Hard: Traditional Contract Formation in a Modern World | in Internationals Handelsrecht 6/2006, pp. 239 - 246 |
WINSHIP P. | Articles 14-24 CISG | in: Ferrari F. / Flechtner H. / Brand R. (eds.), The Draft UNCITRAL Digest and Beyond: Cases, Analysis and Unresolved Issues in the U.N. Sales Convention, München (Sellier, European Law Publishers GmbH) / London (Sweet & Maxwell), 2004, 580-599 |
Total Bibliography in the database 3022