Selected Bibliography by Article
Article 3713 Bibliography If the seller has delivered goods before the date of delivery, he may, up to that date, deliver any missing part or make up any deficiency in the quantity of the goods delivered, or deliver goods in replacement of any lack of conformity in the goods delivered, provided that the exercise of this right does not cause the buyer unreasonable inconvenience or unreasonable expense. However, the buyer retains any right to claim damages as provided for in this Convention.
Author | Title | Publisher |
BIANCA C.M. | Arts. 35-38 CISG | in: BIANCA C.M. / BONELL M.J. (eds.), Commentary on the International Sales Law, Giuffrè, Milano 1987, 268-302 |
ENDERLEIN, F., | Rights and Obligations of the Seller Under the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods | SARCEVIC, P. / VOLKEN, P. (eds.), INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS, DUBROVNIK LECTURES (NEW YORK, OCEANA), 1986, 133-201 |
FLECHTNER, H. M., BRAND, R.A., WALTER, M.S. (eds.) | Drafting Contracts Under the CISG | Oxford University Press, 2007 |
FLESCH, K., | Mängelhaftung und Beschaffenheitsirrtum beim Kauf. Arbeiten zur Rechtsvergleichung, Band 162 (Baden Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft), 1994 | |
HOFFMANN VON, B., | Gewährleistungsansprüche im UN-Kaufrecht - verglichen mit dem EAK und BGB | SCHLECHTRIEM, P. (ed.) EINHEITLICHES KAUFRECHT UNDNATIONALES OBLIGATIONENRECHT (FACHTAGUNG FREIBURGI.BR. 16/17.2.1987) (BADEN-BADEN), 1987, 293-304 |
MONFELI, T., | Il diritto alla correzione dell"inadempimento ("right to cure") dal diritto nordamericano ai Principi Unidroit | DIRITTO DEL COMMERCIO INTERNAZIONALE (1999) 273-317 |
SCHNEIDER, E.C., | The Seller"s Right to Cure under the UCC and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods | 7 ARIZONA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 69-103 (1989) |
SCHWENZER I. | Arts. 35-43 CISG | n: Schlechtriem P. / Schwenzer I. (eds.), Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005, 410-510 |
SCHWENZER I. | Artt. 35-43 CISG | in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 4th ed., C.H. Beck, München 2004in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 4th ed., C.H. Beck, München 2004, 414-495 |
SEVON, L. | The New Scandinavian Codification on the Sale of Goods and the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods | in: SCHLECHTRIEM, P. (ed.), EINHEITLICHES KAUFRECHT UNDNATIONALES OBLIGATIONENRECHT, (FACHTAGUNG FREIBURGI.BR. 16/17.2.1987) (BADEN-BADEN) 1987, 343-357 |
STUMPF H. | Artt. 35-40 CISG | in: CAEMMERER VON E. / SCHLECHTRIEM P., Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht - CISG, München 1990, 316-342 |
VAN HOUTTE H. / WAUTELET P., | Obligations des parties et sanctions des obligations dans la CVIM | Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales / International Business Law Journal, n. 3/4, 2001, 293-352 |
ZAMIR, E., | Toward a General Concept of Conformity in the Performance of Contracts | 52 LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW 1-90 (1990) |
Total Bibliography in the database 3022