Selected Bibliography by Article
Article 8215 Bibliography (1) The buyer loses the right to declare the contract avoided or to require the seller to deliver substitute goods if it is impossible for him to make restitution of the goods substantially in the condition in which he received them.
(2) The preceding paragraph does not apply:
(a) if the impossibility of making restitution of the goods or of making restitution of the goods substantially in the condition in which the buyer received them is not due to his act or omission;
(b) if the goods or part of the goods have perished or deteriorated as a result of the examination provided for in article 38; or
(c) if the goods or part of the goods have been sold in the normal course of business or have been consumed or transformed by the buyer in the course of normal use before he discovered or ought to have discovered the lack of conformity.
Author | Title | Publisher |
COEN, C. | Vertragsscheitern und Rückabwicklung. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zum englischen und deutschen Recht, zum UN-Kaufrecht sowie zu den UNIDROIT Principles und den Principles of European contract law | Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2003, pp. 455 (Beiträge zum europäischen Wirtschaftsrecht, 22) |
HORNUNG R. | Arts. 81-84 CISG | in: Schlechtriem P. / Schwenzer I. (eds.), Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005, 845-896 |
HORNUNG R. | Artt. 81-84 CISG | in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 4th ed., C.H. Beck, München 2004, 781-820 |
LESER H.G. | Arts. 81-84 CISG | in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. (ed.), Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Oxford 1998, 632-662 |
LESER H.G. | Artt. 81-84 CISG | in: CAEMMERER VON E. / SCHLECHTRIEM P., Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht - CISG, München 1990, 687-711 |
LESER. H.G., | Vertragsaufhebung und Rückabwicklung unter dem UN-Kaufrecht | SCHLECHTRIEM, P. (ed.) EINHEITLICHES KAUFRECHT UNDNATIONALES OBLIGATIONENRECHT, (FACHTAGUNG FREIBURGI.BR. 16/17.2.1987) (BADEN-BADEN), 1987, 225-254 |
MAGNUS U., | The remedy of avoidance of contract under CISG - general remarks and special cases | in: The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 423-436 |
MAINZ, P. H. | CISG - The Structure Of Remedies. | Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (Tübingen, Germany), 2007, pp.13-34, |
MOHS F., | Die Vertragswidrigkeit im Rahmen des Art. 82 Abs. 2 lit. c CISG | in Internationales Handelsrecht, 2 (2002), 59-71. |
MOHS F., | The restitution of goods on avoidance of the contract for lack of conformity within the scope of Art. 82(2)(c) CISG | in Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), 2003-2004, 53-76 |
MOHS, F. | The restitution of goods on avoidance of the contract for lack of conformity within the scope of Art. 82(2)(c) CISG | Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), 2003-2004, pp. 53-76 |
SAIEGH S., | Avoidance under the CISG and its challenges under international organizations commercial transactions | in: The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 443-449 |
TALLON D. | Arts. 79-84 CISG | in: BIANCA C.M. / BONELL M.J. (eds.), Commentary on the International Sales Law, Giuffrè, Milano 1987, 572-612 |
VAHLE, O., | Der Erfüllungsanspruch des Käufers nach UN-Kaufrecht im Vergleich mit dem deutschen Kaufrecht | Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, 1998, Heft 2 |
VISCHER, F., | Gemeinsame Bestimmungen über Verpflichtungen des Verkäufers und des Käufers (Lausanner Kolloquium 19./20.11.1984) | WIENER ÜBEREINKOMMEN VON 1980 ÜBER DEN INTERNATIONALEN WARENKAUF, SCHWEIZERISCHES INSTITUT FÜR RECHTSVERGLEICHUNG (ZÜRICH), 1985, 173-184 |
Total Bibliography in the database 3022