Selected Bibliography by Area

Assignment of contracts3 Bibliography
Author Title Publisher
MAZZA, F. Comment to Arts. 9.3.1-9.3.7 (Assignment of Contracts) in S. VOGENAUER (ed.), Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015, 1145-1153
PELEGGI, R. Assignment of Contracts: Italian Law and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in Parallel ELTE Law Journal, no.2/2023, pp. 41-61.
RODNER, J.-O. La transferencia del contrato (UNIDROIT, Art. 9) Academia de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales (Caracas), pp. 1- 324
Assignment of rights9 Bibliography
Comparison between UNIDROIT Principles and domestic law149 Bibliography
Condition7 Bibliography
Content6 Bibliography
Damages28 Bibliography
Formation48 Bibliography
General Provisions21 Bibliography
Hardship47 Bibliography
Illegality7 Bibliography
Interpretation20 Bibliography
Limitation periods9 Bibliography
Long-term contracts7 Bibliography
Model Clauses for the Use of the UNIDROIT Principles10 Bibliography
Non-Performance in General27 Bibliography
Performance in General10 Bibliography
Plurality of obligors and obligees 7 Bibliography
Public Permission Requirements1 Bibliography
Restitution8 Bibliography
Set-off7 Bibliography
Specific Performance12 Bibliography
Termination18 Bibliography
Third party rights4 Bibliography
Transfer of obligations1 Bibliography
UNIDROIT Principles and CISG47 Bibliography
UNIDROIT Principles and e-commerce4 Bibliography
UNIDROIT Principles and International Commercial Arbitration116 Bibliography
UNIDROIT Principles and Similar Projects190 Bibliography
UNIDROIT Principles in General280 Bibliography
Unwinding of failed contracts4 Bibliography
Validity35 Bibliography
Total Bibliography in the database 1150