Selected Bibliography by Area
UNIDROIT Principles and International Commercial Arbitration116 Bibliography
Author | Title | Publisher |
BEN HAMIDA, W. | Le principes d"UNIDROIT et l'arbitrage transnational: L'expansion des principes d'UNIDROIT aux arbitrages opposant des Etats ou des organisations internationales à des personnes privées | Journal du Droit international (Clunet), n.4/2012 (LexisNexis, Paris), pp.1213-1242 |
BENEDETTELLI M. | Applying the UNIDROIT Principles in International Arbitration: An Exercise in Conflicts | in Journal of International Arbitration, 2016, p. 653-686 |
BERGER K. P. | International Arbitral Practice and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts | 46 American Journal of Comparative Law, 1998, 129-150 |
BERGER K.P. | The role of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in international contract practice: the UNIDROIT Model Clauses | Uniform Law Review = Revue de droit uniforme, vol. 19 n. 4 (2014), pp. 519-541 |
BERGER K.P. - DUBBERSTEIN H. - LEHMANN S. - PETZOLD V. | The CENTRAL Enquiry on the Use of Transnational Law in International Contract Law and Arbitration - Background, Procedure and Selected Results | BERGER K.P. (ed.), The Practice of Transnational Law, Kluwer Law International, The Hague 2001, 91-113 |
BERGER K.P. - DUBBERSTEIN H. - LEHMANN S. -PETZOLD V. | Anwendung Transnationalen Rechts in der internationalen Vertrags- und Schiedspraxis | Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, 101 (2002), 12-37 |
BERGER, K.-P. | General Principles of Law in International Arbitration. How to Find Them - How to Apply Them | 5 World Arbitration & Mediation Review (2011), 97 - 141 |
BERGER, K.P. | Internationale Investitionsverträge und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit | Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, 102 (2003), 1-32. |
BERGER, K.P. | Renegotiations and adaptation of international investment contracts: the role of contract drafters and arbitrators | in: International commercial arbitration. A symposium sponsored by Vanderbilt University Law and Business Program and Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, March 2003, in: 36 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (2003), pp. 1347-1380. |
BERNARDINI P. | UNIDROIT Principles and international investment arbitration | Uniform Law Review = Revue de droit uniforme, vol. 19 n. 4 (2014), pp. 561-569 |
BERNARDINI, P. | International Arbitration and A-National Rules of Law | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin vol. 15/No.2 - Fall 2004, pp. 58-69 |
BERNARDINI, P. | Principi UNIDROIT e arbitrato internazionale | Diritto del Commercio Internazionale 2012, 907-915 |
BLASE F. | Die Grundregeln des Europäischen Vertragsrechts als Recht grenzüberschreitender Verträge | Quadis Publishing, Münster 2001 |
BLASE F., | Proposing a New Road Map for an Old Minefield. The Determination of the Rules Governing the Substance of the Dispute in International Commercial Arbitration | 20 Journal of International Arbitration 2003, p. 267 et seq. |
BLESSING M. | Choice of Substantive Law in International Arbitration | 14 Journal of international Arbitration, 1997, 39-65 |
BÖCKSTIEGEL K.-H. | The Applcation of the UNIDROIT Principles to Contracts Involving States or Intergovernmental Organizations | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, 2002, Special Supplement, 51-55 |
BONELL M.J. | A ‘Global’ arbitration decided on the basis of the UNIDROIT Principles: In re Andersen Consulting Business Unit Member Firms v. Arthur Andersen Business Unit Member Firms and Andersen Worldwide Société Coopérative | 17 Arbitration International 2001, 249-261 |
BONELL M.J. | An International Restatement of Contract Law. The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (3d ed) | Transnational Publications Inc., Ardsely, New York, 2005, at 192-228, 277-300 |
BONELL M.J. | I Principi UNIDROIT e il diritto transnazionale | in: MAZZAMUTO, S. (Ed.) - Il contratto e le tutele. Prospettive di diritto europeo, Torino, G. Giappichelli Editore, 2002, 60-82. (Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Facoltà di Giurisprudenza - Dipartimento Studi Giuridici, 3) |
BONELL M.J. | The UNIDROIT Principles as a Means of Interpreting and Supplementing International Uniform Law | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, 2002, Special Supplement, 29-38 |
BONELL M.J. | The UNIDROIT Principles in Practice. Caselaw and Bibliography on the Principles of Commercial Contracts | Ardsley, N.Y., Transnational Publishers, 2002, xv - 702 |
BONELL M.J. | The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: The first 50 or so decisions | New Trends in International Trade Law. Contributions on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the International Trade Law Course,Torino, G. Giappichelli Editore, 2000, 65-80. |
BONELL M.J. | Un "codice" internazionale del diritto dei contratti, II ed. | Giuffrè, Milano 2006 |
BONELL M.J. | Un arbitrato "globale" deciso sulla base dei Principi UNIDROIT | 15 Diritto del Commercio Internazionale 2001, 211-236 |
BONELL M.J. | UNIDROIT Principles: a significant recognition by a United States District Court | Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme 1999, 651-663. |
BONELL M.J. - MONFELI T. | Rassegna giurisprudenziale sui Principi UNIDROIT dei contratti commerciali internazionali | 15 Diritto del Commercio Internazionale 2001, 169-210 |
BONELL M.J. (a cura di) | I Principi UNIDROIT nella pratica. Casistica e bibliografia riguardanti i Principi Unidroit dei contratti commerciali internazionali | Milano, Giuffrè, 2002, pp. XI-787 (Contratti & Commercio Internazionale). |
BONELL M.J. / FINAZZI AGRO' E. | Rassegna giurisprudenziale sui Principi UNIDROIT dei contratti commerciali internazionali | Diritto del commercio internazionale (2007), 413-466 |
BONELL M.J., FINAZZI AGRO' E. | Rassegna giurisprudenziale sui Principi UNIDROIT dei contratti commerciali internazionali | Diritto del commercio internazionale (2010), 557-644 |
BONELL, M.J. | The law governing international contracts and the actual role of the UNIDROIT Principles | Uniform Law Revue 2018, pp. 15 - 41 |
BORTOLOTTI F. | The UNIDROIT Principles and the arbitral tribunals | Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 2000, 141-152 |
BORTOLOTTI F. | The UNIDROIT Principles as a basis for alternative choice-of-law clauses, with particular reference to the ICC model contracts | Uniform Law Review = Revue de droit uniforme, vol. 19 n. 4 (2014), pp. 542-549 |
BRAZIL P. | Principles of International Commercial Contracts in the Context of International Commercial Arbitration | Mealey"s International Arbitration Review 1996, 75-83 |
BRÖDERMANN E. | Impact on the UNIDROIT Principles on International Contract and Arbitration Experience – The Experience of a German Lawyer | Uniform Law Review 2011, p. 589–612 |
BRÖDERMANN E. | The UNIDROIT Principles as a Risk Management Tool | in Eppur si muove: The Age of Uniform Law Essays in honour of Michael Joachim Bonell to celebrate his 70th birthday, vol. 2, pp. 1283-1301 |
BRÖDERMANN, E. | Die erweiterten UNIDROIT Principles 2004 | Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 2004, 721-735. |
BROWER C.N. | The Privatization of Rules of Decision in International Commercial Arbitration | in: BRINER R. - FORTIER L.Y. - BERGER K.P. - BREDOW J. (eds.), Law of International Business and Dispute Settlement in the 21st Century / Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft und Streitbeilegung im 21. Jahrhundert - Liber Amicorum Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel, Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln 2001, 111-123 |
BROWER, Ch.N. - SHARPE, J. K. | The Creeping Codification of Transnational Commercial Law: An Arbitrator"s Perspective | 45 Virginia Journal of International Law (2004), pp. 199 - 220 |
CARLEVARIS A. | The Use of the UNIDROIT Principles and Other Transnational Principles of Commercial Law in Treaty Arbitration: Hazards and Opportunities | ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal, Volume 36, Issue 3, Fall 2021, pp. 592–616, |
CARRARA C. | The multiple usages of the UNIDROIT Principles and the rules governing limitation | GALIZZI, P. - ROJAS ELGUETA, G. - VENEZIANO A. (eds), The Multiple Uses of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: Theory and Practice, Milano 2020, p. 17-55 |
Chi Manjiao | Application of the UNIDROIT Principles in China : Successes, Shortcomings and Implications | Uniform Law Review 2010, pp. 5-36. |
CLAEYS I. (Ed.), | Les principes UNIDROIT relatifs aux contrats de commerce international (ed. 2010) et l´arbitrage | Bruyland 2011 |
CORDERO-MOSS G. / BEHN D. | The relevance of the UNIDROIT Principles in investment arbitration | Uniform Law Review = Revue de droit uniforme, vol. 19 n. 4 (2014), pp. 570-608 |
CORDERO-MOSS G. / BEHN D. | The relevance of the UNIDROIT Principles in investment arbitration | Diritto del commercio internazionale, no. 1/2016, pp. 3-46 |
CRAWFORD J. - SINCLAIR A. | The UNIDROIT Principles and Their Application to State Contracts | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, 2002, Special Supplement, 57-75 |
CRIVELLARO, A. | Principi UNIDROIT e arbitrati internazionali. Tra naturale propensione a farne uso e limitata autonomia nel determinare il diritto applicabile | Diritto del Commercio Internazionale 2012, 917-934 |
CRUZ MIRAMONTES R. | El arbitraje y su función en la aplicación de los Principios sobre los Contratos Comerciales Internacionales, in Contratación internacional, Comentarios a los principios sobre los Contratos Co | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Universidad Panamericana (ed.) 1998, 253-264 |
DA GAMA E SOUZA jr. | The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Their Applicability in the MERCASOUR Countries | Les Principes d"UNIDROIT et les contrats internationaux: aspects pratiques, in Revue Juridique Thémis, vol. 36, no.2 (2002), pp.375-419 |
DAWWAS A., KAMEEL T. | Applicability of the UNIDROIT Principles as the Law Governing the Merits of Arbitration in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries | in Arab Law Quarterly 35 (2021), 466-487 |
DERAINS Y. | The role of the UNIDROIT Principles in international commercial arbitration (1): a european perspective | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, 2002, Special Supplement, 9-20 |
DESSEMONTET F. | L"utilisation des Principes UNIDROIT dans le cadre de la pratique contractuelle et de l"activité arbitrale - L"exemple de la Suisse | in: Cashin-Ritaine E. / Lein E. (eds.), The UNIDROIT Principles 2004 - Their Impact on Contractual Practice, Jurisprudence and Codification (ISDC Colloquium - 8/9 June 2006), Schulthess, Zürich 2007, pp. 159-168 |
DESSEMONTET F. | Use of the UNIDROIT Principles to Interpret and Supplement Domestic Law | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, 2002, Special Supplement, 39-50 |
DROBNIG U. | Vereinheitlichung von Zivilrecht durch soft law: neuere Erfahrungen und Einsichten | BASEDOW J. - DROBNIG U.- ELLGER R. [et al.] (eds.), Aufbruch nach Europa. 75 Jahre Max-Planck-Institut für Privatrecht, Mohr, Tübingen, 2001, 745-756 |
FARNSWORTH E.A. | The Role of the UNIDROIT Principles in International Commercial Arbitration (2): A US Perspective on Their Aims and Application | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, 2002, Special Supplement, 21-28 |
FINAZZI AGRO' E. | The Impact of the UNIDROIT Principles in International Dispute Resolution: An Empirical Analysis | 44 Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal (2011), 77-122 |
FONTAINE, M. | Ius commune et harmonization du droit des contrats | WIJFFELS A.(ed.), Le Code civil entre ius commune et droit privé européen, Bruylant 2005, pp.75 - 91 |
FORTIER Y.L. | The New Lex Mercatoria, or, Back to the Future | Arbitration International 17, 2001, 121-128 |
FURMSTON M.P. | The UNIDROIT Principles and International Commercial Arbitration | Institute of International Business Law and Practice, UNIDROIT Principles for International Commercial Contracts: A New Lex Mercatoria?, ICC Publication n° 49 |
GALGANO F. - MARRELLA F. | Interpretación del contrato y "lex mercatoria" | Revista de Derecho Comparado: Interpretación de los contratos, 3 (2000), 7-57 |
GALGANO, F. | Die Globalisierung im Spiegel des Rechts | Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht, 2003, 237-242. |
GALIZZI, P. / SARTORELLI, V. | I Principi UNIDROIT 2010: verso un diritto "globale" dei contratti commerciali internazionali - Roma 17-18 febbraio 2012 - I Principi UNIDROIT nella pratica dell"arbitrato internazionale | Diritto del Commercio Internazionale 2012, 935-039 |
GAMA Jr., L. | Os Principios do UNIDROIT na prática arbitral: Uma análise de casos (1994-2007). | DeCita. Derecho del Comercio Internacional. Temas y Actualidades, 9 (2008), pp. 118-139. |
GARRO A.M. | The Contribution of the UNIDROIT Principles to the Advancement of International Commercial Arbitration | Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law, n. 1/2, 1994, 93-128 |
GRIGERA NAÓN H.A. | Unidroit Principles as Proper Law | in BENICKE C. / HUBER S., National, International, Transnational: Harmonischer Dreiklang im Recht. Festschrift für Herbert Kronke zum 70. Geburtstag, Bielefeld 2020, 121-128 |
HEIDEMANN, M. | Methodology of Uniform Contract Law. The UNIDROIT Principles in International Legal Doctrine and Practice | Springer 2007, p.i-xxvi - 230 |
HOLTZMANN H.M. | Application of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in arbitrations governed by the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration | UNIDROIT (ed.), The UNIDROIT Principles: a Common Law of Contracts for the Americas?, 1998, 161-166 |
JAGUSCH, S. | Recent Codification Efforts: An Assessment | E. Gaillard (ed), Towards a Uniform International Arbitration Law?, Juris Publishing Inc., N.Y. 2005, pp.63-90 |
JOLIVET, E. | L"Harmonisation du droit OHADA des contrats: l"influence des Principes d"UNIDROIT en matière de pratique contractuelle et d"arbitrage (Acts of Colloquium in Burkina Faso 15-17 nov. 2007) | In: UNIFORM LAW REVIEW - Vol.XIII,2008-1/2 , p.127 |
JOLIVET, E. | The UNIDROIT Principles in ICC Arbitration | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, 2005 Special Supplement, pp. 65-72. |
KLIUCHKOVSKYI M. | Applicability of UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in Courts and Arbitral Tribunals | in Dispute Resolution International, 2007, Vol. 1, n. 2, pp. 199-218 |
KOMAROV, A. S., | Refernce to the UNIDROIT Principles in International Commercial Arbitration Practice in the Russian Federation | Uniform law review 2011, 658 |
LALIVE P. | L"arbitrage international et les Principes UNIDROIT | Bonell M.J. / Bonelli F. (eds.), Contratti commerciali internazionali e Principi UNIDROIT, Giuffré, Milano 1997, 71-89 |
LALIVE P. | The UNIDROIT principles as lex contractus, with or without an explicit or tacit choice of law: an arbitror’s perspective | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, 2002, Special Supplement, 77-94 |
LANDO O. | Assessing the Role of the UNIDROIT Principles in the Harmonization of Arbitration Law | 3 Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law n. 1/2, 1994, 129-143 |
LEIN E. | La portée pratique des Principes UNIDROIT: une perspective allemande | in: Cashin-Ritaine E. / Lein E. (eds.), The UNIDROIT Principles 2004 - Their Impact on Contractual Practice, Jurisprudence and Codification (ISDC Colloquium - 8/9 June 2006), Schulthess, Zürich 2007, pp. 169-188 |
LEW J.D.M. | The UNIDROIT Principles as Lex Contractus Chosen by the Parties and Without an Explicit Choice-of-Law Clause: The Perspective of Councel | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, 2002, Special Supplement, 85-94 |
LÓPEZ RODRÍGEZ, A.M. | Lex mercatoria and Harmonization of Contract Law in the EU | DJOF Publishing, Copenhagen, 2003, pp. XV-404. |
LUZZATTO R. | I Principi UNIDROIT e l"arbitrato commerciale internazionale | Bonell M.J. / Bonelli F. (eds.), Contratti commerciali internazionali e Principi UNIDROIT, Giuffré, Milano 1997, 91-104 |
MANCIAUX S. | Le point de vue des entreprises: la régulation d'origine privée des opérations d'investissement | in ROBERT-CUENDET S., Droit des investissements internationaux Perspectives croisées, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2017, pp. 171-189 |
MARELLA F. | Nuovi sviluppi dei Principi Unidroit sui contratti commerciali internazionali nell’arbitrato CCI | in: Contratto e Impresa / Europa, 7 (2002), no. 1, 40-53. |
MARRELLA F. - GÉLINAS F. | Les Principes d"UNIDROIT relatifs aux contrats du commerce international dans l"arbitrage de la CCI [avec Extraits de sentences faisant référence aux Principes d"UNIDROIT et une Bibliographie] | Bulletin de la Cour internationale d"arbitrage de la CCI 1999, No. 2, 21-122. |
MARRELLA F. - GÉLINAS F. | The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in ICC arbitration: A preliminary assessment [including extracts from ICC awards referring to the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and a bibliography] | International Court of Arbitration Bulletin 1999, No. 2, 26-119 |
MARRELLA, F. | Choice of law in third-millenium arbitrations : the relevance of the UNIDROIT Principles of international commercial contracts | in : International commercial arbitration. A symposium sponsored by Vanderbilt University Law and Business Program and Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, March 2003, in: 36 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (2003), pp. 1137-1188. |
MARRELLA, F. | Extracts from ICC Awards referring to the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts | The ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, Vol. 12, Issue 2, 49-115.. |
MARRELLA, F. | UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in ICC Arbitration, 1999-2001 | The ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, Vol. 12, Issue 2, 49-55. |
MAYER P. | Reflections on the International Arbitrors Duty to Apply the Law | 17 Arbitration International (2001), 235-247 |
MISTELIS, L. | The UNIDROIT Principles applied as “most appropriate rule of law” in a Swedish arbitral award | in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 7 (2003), 631-640. |
NAFZIGER, J.A.R. - SYMEONIDES, S.C. (Eds.) | Law and justice in a multistate world. Essays in honor of Arthur T. von Mehren | Law and justice in a Ardsley, N.Y., Transnational Publishers, 2002, pp. XXI-878. |
NOTTAGE L. | The vicissitudes of transnational commercial arbitration and the lex mercatoria: A view from the periphery | Arbitration International, 16 (2000), 53-78 |
NOTTAGE L., | Afterthoughts: International Commercial Contracts and Arbitration | Australian International Law Journal 2010, 195 |
OGUZ, A. | Hukuk Tahiri ve Karþýlaþtýrmaltý Hukuk Açýsýdan Uluslararasý icaret Hukuku (Lex mercatoria) – Unidroit Ýlkelerinin Lex mercatoria Niteliði | Ankara Üniversiteti Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 50 (2001), 11-54. |
PELEGGI, R., | L’applicazione dei Principi UNIDROIT en voie directe alla luce di un recente lodo della Corte Arbitrale della Camera di Commercio Internazionale | Diritto del commercio internazionale, 2004, pp. 483 – 507. |
PIERS M., ERAUW J. | Application of the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts in Arbitration | Journal of Private International Law, vol.8, no.3, 2012, pp. 441-472. |
RAESCHKE-KESSLER H. | Should an Arbitrator in an International Arbitration Pro-cedure apply the UNIDROIT Principles? | The UNIDROIT Principles for International Commercial Contracts: A New Lex Mercatoria?, ICC Publication n. 490/1, 1995, 167-180 |
RAMBERG J. | The Creativity of Arbitrators in the Context of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts | Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 1998, 651-656 |
REINISCH A. | The relevance of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in international investment arbitration | Uniform Law Review = Revue de droit uniforme, vol. 19 n. 4 (2014), pp. 609-622 |
RICCOMAGNO M. | The UNIDROIT Principles in the Context of International Commercial Arbitration | Arbitration (paper presented at the Bi-annual 25th Conference of the International Bar Association held in Melbourne on 9-14 October 1994) |
Rodrìguez Olmos, J. M. (ed.) | Principios UNIDROIT. Etudios en torno a una nueva lingua franca | Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2013 |
RONGEAT-OUDIN F. / OUDIN M. | La réception des principes UNIDROIT par la Lex Mercatoria: l’exemple de la bonne foi | in Revue de droit des affaires internationales / International Business Law Journal, n. 6/2009, pp. 697-723 |
SANDROCK O. | Die objektive Anknüpfung von Verträgen nach § 1051 Abs. 2 ZPO | Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft 2000, 321-328 |
SCHERER, M. | Comment to Preamble: Arbitration. | in S.VOGENAUER - J.KLEINHEISTERKAMP (eds.), Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), Oxford University Press, New York, 2009, pp.81-110. |
SCHERER, M. | Premble II: The Use of the PICC in Arbitration | in S.VOGENAUER (ed.), Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), Oxford University Press, New York, 2015, 110-149 |
SERAGLINI, C. | Du bon usage des principes UNIDROIT dans l’arbitrage international | in : Revue de l’arbitrage, 2003, 1101-1166. |
SILVA ROMERO, E. | Las normas jurídicas aplicables en el arbitraje comercial internacional. Breve contribución al derecho internacional privado colombiano | Revista de derecho privado. Universidad de los Andes, 28 (2002), 3-43. |
SIQUEIROS J.L. | Los Principios de UNIDROIT como normativa aplicable por los árbitros en controversias comerciales internacionales | UNIDROIT (ed.), The UNIDROIT Principles: a Common Law of Contracts for the Americas?, 1998, 151-159 |
SKALA J. | The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: a Russian Perspective | in: Cashin-Ritaine E. / Lein E. (eds.), The UNIDROIT Principles 2004 - Their Impact on Contractual Practice, Jurisprudence and Codification (ISDC Colloquium - 8/9 June 2006), Schulthess, Zürich 2007, pp. 119-133 |
SMITH J.F. | Mediation and the Principles of UNIDROIT | Comentarios a los principios sobre los Contratos Comerciales Internacionales del Unidroit, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ,1998, 237-251 |
STEINGRUBER, A. M. | El Paso v Argentine Republic: the UNIDROIT Principles in the context of an investment treaty claim | uUniform Law Review 2013, 509 - 531 |
TRAISCI F.P. | Principi UNIDROIT, lex mercatoria e diritto del commercio internazionale: note a margine di un lodo arbitrale | Diritto del commercio internazionale, n. 2, 1999, 474-494 |
VAGTS D.F. | Arbitration and the UNIDROIT Principles | Comentarios a los principios sobre los Contratos Comerciales Internacionales del Unidroit, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1998, 265-277 |
VAN HOUTTE H. | UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and International Commercial Arbitration: Their Reciprocal Relevance | UNIDROIT Principles for International Commercial Contracts: A New Lex Mercatoria?, ICC Publication n. 490/1, 1995, 181-197 |
VASQUEZ M.F. | Algunas cifras sobre la aplicación de los principios UNIDROIT en los contratos comerciales internacionales | |
VILLA A.V. | La "ley aplicable" por los árbitros al fondo de la cuestión sometida a arbitraje, en el Reglamento de Procedimientos de CIAC | Revista de Derecho del Mercosur, 4, 1999, 109-117 |
VISCHER, F. | Die kollisionsrechtliche Bedeutung der Wahl einer nichtstaatlichen Ordnung für den staatlichen Richter am Beispiel der UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts | in: SCHWENZER, I. - HAGER, G. (Eds.) - Festschrift für Peter Schlechtriem zum 70. Geburtstag, Tübingen, J.B.C. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 2003, 445-454. |
WILLIAMS D.A.R. | The Further Development of International Commercial Arbitration through the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts | in 2 New Zealand Business Law Quarterly, 1996, 7-21 |
WORTMANN B. | Choice of law by arbitrators: the applicable conflict of laws system | Arbitration International 1998, 97-113. |
Total Bibliography in the database 1150