Selected Bibliography by Area
Limitation periods9 Bibliography
Author | Title | Publisher |
BERNARDINI, P. | Limitation Periods | ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, 2005 Special Supplement, pp. 43-49. |
BONELL M.J. | Limitation periods | Hartkamp A.S. / Hesselink M.W. / Hondius E.H. / Mak C. / du Perron E. (eds.), Towards a European Civil Code, 4th ed., Kluwer Law International 2011, 715 - 732 |
BONELL M.J. | Unidroit Principles 2004 : the new edition of the Principles of International Commercial Contracts adopted by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law | in: Beyond borders, 2006, pp. 5-38. |
BONELL M.J. | Verso un regime uniforme di prescrizione per i contratti commerciali internazionali? | in: Europa e diritto privato, 2003, 773-796. |
CARRARA C. | The multiple usages of the UNIDROIT Principles and the rules governing limitation | GALIZZI, P. - ROJAS ELGUETA, G. - VENEZIANO A. (eds), The Multiple Uses of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: Theory and Practice, Milano 2020, p. 17-55 |
WINTGEN, R. | Comment to Arts. 10.1-10.11 | in S. VOGENAUER (ed.), Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015, 1154-1192 |
WINTGEN, R. | Comment to Arts. 10.1-10.11 | in S.VOGENAUER - J.KLEINHEISTERKAMP, Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), Oxford University Press, New York, 2009,1052-1090. |
ZIMMERMANN, R. | Die Unidroit-Grundregeln der internationalen Handelsverträge 2004 in vergleichender Perspektive | Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 2/2005, pp.264-290 |
ZIMMERMANN, R. | The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2004 in Comparative Perspective | 21 Tulane European & Civil Law Forum (2006), pp. 1 -33 |
Total Bibliography in the database 1150