Selected Bibliography by Area

Damages28 Bibliography
Author Title Publisher
ALPA G. / GIAMPIERI A. Analisi economica del diritto e analisi del metodo: la questione del danno contrattuale Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, n. 3, 1996, 717-723
BERTOLI, P. Criteri di giurisdizione e legge applicabile in tema di responsabilità precontrattuale alla luce della sentenza Fonderie Meccaniche Tacconi Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, 34 (2003), 109-134.
BONELLI F. La responsabilità per danni Bonell M.J. / Bonelli F. (eds.), Contratti com-merciali internazionali e Principi UNIDROIT, Giuffré, Milano 1997, 307-338
BONELLI, F. Il "risarcimento dei danni" nei Principi UNIDROIT, nella Convenzione di Vienna del 1980 e nel diritto italiano Diritto del Commercio Internazionale 2012, 851-864
CONTRERAS VACA F.J. Resolución del contrato por incumplimiento Comentarios a los principios sobre los Contratos Comerciales Internacionales del Unidroit, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1998, 135-174
DAWWAS A. Non-performance and damages under CISG and the UNIDROIT Principles 31 Comparative Law Review 1997, 225-277
DAWWAS A. Non-performance and damages under CISG and the UNIDROIT Principles Comparative Law Review, 1997, 225-277
EBERHARD, S. Les sanctions de l"inexécution du contrat et les Principes UNIDROIT Lausanne 2005, pp.323
FULRANETTO L. / PAGNACCO G. The UNIDROIT Principles in EPC Contracts of industrial process plants: Contractors’ experience GALIZZI, P. - ROJAS ELGUETA, G. - VENEZIANO A. (eds), The Multiple Uses of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: Theory and Practice, Milano 2020, p. 151-180
GOTANDA J.Y. Damages in private international law in Haagse Academie voor Internationaal Recht: Recueil des cours, 2007, pp. 73-408
GOTANDA J.Y. Recovering Lost Profits in International Disputes 36 Georgetown Journal of International Law (2004), pp. 61 - 112
GOTANDA J.Y. Using the UNIDROIT Principles to Fill Gaps in the CISG in D. Saidov – R. Cunnington (eds), Contract Damages: Domestic and International Perspectives, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2008, 2008, pp. 107-124
HUBER, P. Comment on Arts. 3.2.16-3.2.17 in S. VOGENAUER (ed.), Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015, 551-555
JUD, B. Schadensersatz bei mangelhafter Leistung Wien, Manz, pp. XXXVII-337.
KOCHANOWSKI M. Foreseeability of harm according to art. 7.4.4 UNIDROIT Principles in the scope of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Internationales Handelsrecht, 2021, 238 ff.
KOZIOL H. Europäische Vertragsrechtsvereinheitlichung und deutsches Schadensrecht BASEDOW, J. (ed.), Europäische Vertragsrechtsvereinheitlichung und deutsches Recht, J. C. B. Mohr (Siebeck), Tübingen 2000, 195 - 213
LOPEZ DE GONZALO M. I punitive damages nel diritto internazionale privato, nel diritto uniforme e nei Principi UNIDROIT Eppur si muove: The Age of Uniform Law Essays in honour of Michael Joachim Bonell to celebrate his 70th birthday, vol. 2, 1503 ff.
McKendrick, E. Comment to Arts. 7.4.1-7.4.13 (Damages) in S.VOGENAUER (ed.), Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015, 972-1032
MCKENDRICK, E. Comment to Non-performance: Arts 7.4.1-7.4.13 - Damages. in S. VOGENAUER - J. KLEINHEISTERKAMP, Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), Oxford University Press, New York, 2009, 865-926.
MORAN BOVIO D. Incumplimiento Comentario a los Principios de UNIDROIT para los Contratos del Comercio Internacional, Aranzadi, Pamplona 1999, 317-388
SAIDOV, Djakhongir Causation in damages : the Convention on contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the Unidroit Principles of international Commercial Contracts, the Principles of European Contract Law Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), 2004 (2005), pp. 225-267.
SCHACKEL T. Der Anspruch auf Ersatz des negativen Interesses bei Nichterfüllung von Verträgen – Die Situation im deutschen Recht im Vergleich mit ausländischen Rechtsordnungen und internationalen Regelwerken Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 2001, 248-275
SCHLECHTRIEM P. Schadenersatz und Schadensbegriff Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht, n. 2, 1997, 232-254
TALLON D. Damages, Exemption Clauses and Penalties 40 American Journal of Comparative Law, n. 3, 1992, 675-682
TALLON D. Les dommages-intérêts dans les Principes UNIDROIT relatifs aux contrats du commerce international Bonell M.J. / Bonelli F. (eds.), Contratti com-merciali internazionali e Principi UNIDROIT, Giuffré, Milano 1997, 295-305
VAN DER MERSCH, M. - PHILIPPE, D. L"inéxecution dans les contrats du commerce international FONTAINE, M. - VINEY, G. (eds), Les sanctions de l"inéxecution des obligations contractuelles, Bruxelles-Paris 2001, p. 701 - 785
VAN HOUTTE H. Compensation for Future Harm – Article 7.4.3 UNIDROIT Principles Eppur si muove: The Age of Uniform Law Essays in honour of Michael Joachim Bonell to celebrate his 70th birthday, vol. 2, 1486 ff.
ZMIJ G. Währungsrechtliche Probleme des vertraglichen Shadenersatzes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der UNIDROIT-Grundregeln der Internationale Handelsverträge Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung, 1, 1998, 21-34
Formation48 Bibliography
General Provisions21 Bibliography
Hardship47 Bibliography
Illegality7 Bibliography
Interpretation20 Bibliography
Limitation periods9 Bibliography
Long-term contracts7 Bibliography
Model Clauses for the Use of the UNIDROIT Principles10 Bibliography
Non-Performance in General27 Bibliography
Performance in General10 Bibliography
Plurality of obligors and obligees 7 Bibliography
Public Permission Requirements1 Bibliography
Restitution8 Bibliography
Set-off7 Bibliography
Specific Performance12 Bibliography
Termination18 Bibliography
Third party rights4 Bibliography
Transfer of obligations1 Bibliography
UNIDROIT Principles and CISG47 Bibliography
UNIDROIT Principles and e-commerce4 Bibliography
UNIDROIT Principles and International Commercial Arbitration116 Bibliography
UNIDROIT Principles and Similar Projects190 Bibliography
UNIDROIT Principles in General280 Bibliography
Unwinding of failed contracts4 Bibliography
Validity35 Bibliography
Total Bibliography in the database 1150