Selected Bibliography by Author

Author Title Publisher
PADOVINI, F. La vendita internazionale dalle convenzioni dell"Aja alla convenzione di Vienna RIVISTA DI DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE PRIVATO E PROCESSUALE, 1987, I, 47-58
PADOVINI, F., Der internationale Kauf: Von den Haager Konventionen zur Wiener Konvention - Erfahrungen und Aussichten (Symposium Graz) ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR RECHTSVERGLEICHUNG, 1987, 87-96
PAMBOUKIS Ch., The concept and function of usages in the United Nations convention on the international sale of goods in: The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 107-131
PANTALEON, F., Las nuevas bases de la responsabilidad contractual ANUARIO DE DERECHO CIVIL (1993) 1719-1745
PAQUETTE, M., Perspectives d"avenir de la Convention de Vienne 1980 au Quebec (Colloque Ottawa 14.10.1987) PERRET, L. / LACASSE, N. (eds.), COLLOQUE SUR LA VENTE INTERNATIONALE (MONTREAL, WILSON & LAFLEUR), 1989, 189-197
PARK, S. K., On compatibility of article on contract formation under the "UNIDROIT Principles for International Commercial Contracts" in international transactions (compared with CISG) Arbitration Journal, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (Seoul), 289: 86-93 (autumn 1998)
PARRA-ARANGUREN, G. Estudios de derecho mercantil internacional Universidad Central de Venezuela, Fakultad de Ciencial Jurídicas y Políticas (Caracas 1998)
PARRA-ARANGUREN, G., Legislación uniforme sobre la compraventa internacional de mercaderías REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE DERECHO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA ANDRÉS BELLO (CARACAS), 1986, 9-89
PARRISH SMART, C., Formation of Contracts in Louisiana under the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods (Student Comment) 53 LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW 1339-1355 (1993)
PATTERSON, E.H. United Nation Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Unification and the Tension between Compromise and Domination 22 STANFORD JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 263-303 (1986)
PATTI, S., Silenzio, inerzia e comportamento concludente nella Convenzione di Vienna sui contratti di vendita internazionale di beni mobili RIVISTA DEL DIRITTO COMMERCIALE E DEL DIRITTO GENERALE DELLE OBBLIGAZIONI, 1991, I, 135
PAVIC, V. - DJORDJEVIC, M. Application of the CISG before the Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Looking Back at the latest 100 cases 28 Journal of Law and Commerce (2009), pp. 1-62
PELEGGI, R. Brevi osservazioni a margine della recente giurisprudenza italiana in tema di vendita internazionale Diritto del commercio internazionale, no.4/2023, pp. 939-951.
PELEGGI, R. Il futuro diritto europeo della vendita (CESL): reale competitore o (mero) doppione della Convenzione di Vienna? Rivista di diritto del commercio internazionale (Giuffré, Milano), n.4/2013, pp. 891-929.
PELEGGI, R. La formazione del contratto nella Convenzione di Vienna del 1980 sulla vendita internazionale di beni mobili G. ALPA - G. CAPILLI (eds.), Lezioni di diritto privato europeo (Cedam, Milano 2007), pp.439-455.
PELEGGI, R. Parol evidence rule e ammissibilità della prova extratestuale nei contratti scritti: qualche riflessione in chiave comparatistica Diritto del commercio internazionale, n.4/2012, pp. 1009-1046.
PELICHET, M., La vente internationale de marchandises et le conflit de lois RECUEIL DES COURS / COLLECTED COURSES OF THE HAGUE ACADEMY OF INT. LAW (DORDRECHT/BOSTON/LANCASTER, NIJHOFF), 1988, Vol. 201, 1987-I, 9-210
PELLEGRINO, M., Subjektive oder objektive Vertragshaftung? ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR EUROPÄISCHES PRIVATRECHT, 1997, 41-57
PELLICANO, A., Verso un codice di commercio internazionale uniforme? A proposito di un recente progetto di legge dell"UNIDROIT RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI DIRITTO E PROC0EDURA CIVILE, 1987, 301 ss.
PENG GU, SHU ZHANG AND LINXUAN LI CISG and Chinese Contract Law Reform in the New Chinese Civil Code: Impacts, Interactions and Implications Journal of Contract Law, Vol.37(3), 2021, p.192-215.
PERALES VISCASILLAS M.d.P., Modification and termination of the contract (art. 29 CISG) in: The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 167-179
PERALES VISCASILLAS, M.d.P., Contract Conclusion under CISG 16 JOURNAL OF LAW AND COMMERCE (1997) no. 2, 315-344
PERALES VISCASILLAS, M.d.P., El Derecho Uniforme del Comercio Internacional: Los Principios de UNIDROIT REVISTA DE DERECHO MERCANTIL, 1997, no. 223
PERALES VISCASILLAS, M.d.P., La batalla de los formularios en la Conv. de Viena de 1980 sobre compraventa intern. de mercaderías: Una comparación con la sección 2-207 UCC y los principios de UNIDROIT LA LEY, 1996, 1-12
PERALES VISCASILLAS, M.d.P., La determinación del tipo de interés en la compraventa internacional CUADERNOS JURIDICOS, 1996, 5-12
PERALES VISCASILLAS, M.d.P., La formación del contrato en la compraventa internacional de mercaderías (Valencia), 1996
PERALES VISCASILLAS, M.d.P., La perfección por silencio de la Compraventa Internacional en la Convención de Viena de 1980 DERECHO DE LOS NEGOCIOS, (1995), 9-14
PERALES VISCASILLAS, M.d.P., Tratamiento jurídica de las cartas de confirmación en la Convención de Viena de 1980 sobre Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías Rev. Jur. Perú (1997), 241-262
PERALES VISCASILLAS, M.d.P., Una aproximación al articulo 7 de la Convención de Viena de 1980 sobre compraventa internacional de mercaderías CUADERNOS DE DERECHO Y COMERCIO, XVI, 1995, 55-88
PERALES VISCASILLAS, M.d.p., RAMOS MUÑOZ DAVID CISG & Arbitration Private Law, National-Global-Comparative. Festschrift für Ingeborg Schwenzer zum 60. Geburstag (Stämpfli Verlag AG Bern, 2011), pp. 1355-1373.
PERALES VISCASILLAS, P. CISG in the digital world digital economy: data, products, and assets Uniform Law Review, 2023, pp. 293–322
PERALES VISCASILLAS, P. Comments on the draft digest relating to articles 14-24 and 66-79 in: FERRARI, F. - FLECHTNER, H. - BRAND, R.A. (Eds.) - The draft UNICITRAL digest and beyond. Cases, analysis and unresolved issues in the U.N. Sales Convention, München, Sellier, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 2003, 259-291.
PERALES VISCASILLAS, P. Interpretation and gap-filling under the CISG: contrast and convergence with the UNIDROIT Principles Uniform law review = Revue de droit uniforme, vol. 22 (2017), 4-28.
PERALES VISCASILLAS. M.d.P. "Battle of the Forms" Under the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: A Comparison with Section 2-207 UCC and the UNIDROIT Principles 10 Pace International Law Review (1998) 97-155
PERALES VISCASILLAS. M.d.P. Applicable Law, The CISG, and The Future Convention on International Commercial Contracts Villanova Law Review, vol. 58, no. 4 (2013) 733-760
PERILLO, J. M. Editorial Remarks on the Manner in Which the UNIDROIT Principles May Be Used to Interpret or Supplement Article 8 of the CISG in Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (2002-2003), 2004, 189-193
PEROVIC, J. La contravention essentielle au contrat comme fondement à la résoltuion des contrats dans les codifications des droit uniforme Revue de droit international et de droit comparé, n.2-3/2008, pp.272-306
PERRET L. / LACASSE N. (eds.) Actes du Colloque sur la vente internationale (Ottawa 14.10.1987) Wilson & Lafleur, Montréal 1989
PERROT, D.L., The Vienna Convention 1980 on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1 THE INTERNATIONAL CONTRACT: LAW AND FINANCE REVIEW 577-584 (1980)
PERUGINI DE PAZ Y GEUSE, J.A. Incidence de la convention sur le droit argentin (Colloque Ottawa 14.10.1987) PERRET, L. / LACASSE, N. (eds.) COLLOQUE SUR LA VENTE INTERNATIONALE (MONTREAL, WILSON & LAFLEUR), 1989, 207-226
PERUGINI DE PAZ Y GEUSE, J.A., Convention des Nationes Unies sur les contracts d"achat-vente internationale de marchandises (Vienne 1980) (Colloque Ottawa 14.10.1987) in: PERRET, L. / LACASSE, N. (eds.) COLLOQUE SUR LA VENTE INTERNATIONALE (MONTREAL, WILSON & LAFLEUR), 1989, 63-80
PESCE, A. Corte di Cassazione e legge uniforme (C.M.R. e LUVI) - Un caso di disattenzione FORO PADANO, 1982, I, 17
PETER, A., Ersatz von Inkassokosten im grenzüberschreitenden Rechtsverkehr nach UN · Kaufrecht? Internationale Praxis 1999, Heft 3
PETER, F., Ersatz von Inkassokosten im grenzüberschreitenden Rechtsverkehr nach UN-Kaufrecht ? Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts, 1999, 159 -161
PETERSON, J. A., Currency Clauses in International Sale of Goods Contracts IBA Section of Business Law, International Sales, No. 24, June 1999, 21-22
PETERSON, J.A., Currency Clauses in International Sale of Goods Contracts IBA Section of Business Law, International Sales, No 24, June 1999, pp. 21-22
PETRIKIC, R. Das Nacherfüllungsrecht im UN-Kaufrecht: Grundprobleme der Leistungsstörungen Wien, Manz, 1999 (Oestereichische rechtswissenschaftliche Studien, 54)
PETROCHILOS G.C Arbitration conflict-of-law rules and the 1980 International Sales Convention Revue Hellenique de droit international, n. 52, 1999, 191-217
PETROCHILOS, G.-C., Arbitration Conflict of Laws Rules and the 1980 International Sales Convention Revue Hellénique de Droit International, 1999, 191-218
PETROVIC J. et al. The exclusion of the validity of the contract from the CISG: does it still matter? The Journal of Business Law, 2017, 101-120.
PETZ T. Anmerkung zu OGH, 22.10.2001, in Zeitschrift f. Rechtsvergleichung, Int. Privatrecht u. Europarecht, (ZfRV), 1/2003, pp. 29-32 Manz Verlag Wien
PFEIFFER, T. (eds.) Handbuch der Handelsgeschäfte RWS, Köln, 1999
PFUND, P.H. International Unification of Private Law. A Report on United States Partecipation 1985-1986 20 THE INTERNATIONAL LAWYER 623-631 (1986)
PFUND, P.H. Overview of the Codification Process 15 BROOKLYN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 8-22 (1989)
PFUND, P.H., Prospects for Adoption in the United States of UN Convention in: GALSTON, N.M. / SMIT, H. (eds.) INTERNATIONAL SALES (CONFERENCE AT PARKER SCHOOL) (NEW YORK, MATTHEW BENDER), 1984, ch.10, 1-7
PFUND, P.H., United States Partecipation in International Unification of Private Law 19 THE INTERNATIONAL LAWYER 505-519 (1985)
PHANG A., Proposed Revisions to Article 2 and the Proposed Article 2B of the Uniform Commercial Code and their International Implications - an Overview of the "Journal of Contract Law" Conference 1998 14 Journal of Contract Law 1-14 (1999)
PICCINELLI, G.M., Il Diritto agli Interessi nei Paesi Arabi DIRITTO DEL COMMERCIO INTERNAZIONALE, 1996, 35-73
PIER-EILING, K. Das Nacherfüllungsrecht des Verkäufers aus Art. 48 CISG: Unter Berücksichtigung seines Verhältnisses zu den Rechtsbehelfen des Käufers Berlin, Gerstmeyer, 2003, pp. 210 (Juristische Reihe TENEA/, 35).
PIERRE, J. / PIERRE, V., A Comparison of the Rules on Formation of Sales Contracts Under the Louisiana Civil Code and CISG: What Buyers and Sellers Should Know 20 SOUTH U.L.REV. 189-212 (1993)
PIERRE, V., What do farmers impliedly warrant when they sell their livestock? A comparison of the UCC, the Louisiana Civil Code and the Vienna Conv. on Contracts for the Intern. Sale of Goods 19 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW (1992), 357
PILTZ B. Internationales Kaufrecht. Das UN-Kaufrecht (Wiener Übereinkommen von 1980) in praxisorientierter Darstellung C.H. Beck, München, 1993
PILTZ B. UN-Kaufrecht. Gestaltung von Export- und Importverträgen, Wegweiser für die Praxis 3rd ed., Economica, Bonn 2001
PILTZ, B. AGB in UN-Kaufverträgen IHR. Internationales Handelsrecht, 4 (2004), 133-138
Piltz, B. Containergewichte im Seehandel: VGM, Incoterms und UN-Kaufrecht. Internationales Handelsrecht, 2016, pp. 191-194
PILTZ, B. Gerichtsstand des Erfüllungsortes in UN-Kaufverträgen in Internationales Handelsrecht, 6 (2006), pp. 53-59
PILTZ, B. Gestaltung von Exportverträgen Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW), 1999, 897-902
PILTZ, B. Neue Entwicklungen im UN-Kaufrecht Neue juristische Wochenschrift (NJW), 2000, 553-560
PILTZ, B., Anwendbares Recht in grenzüberschreitenden Kaufverträgen PRAXIS DES INTERNATIONALEN PRIVAT- UND VERFAHRENSRECHTS (IPRax), 1994, 191-193
PILTZ, B., Der Anwendungsbereich des UN-Kaufrechts ANWALTSBLATT, 1991, 57-62
PILTZ, B., El ámbito de aplicación de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías LEY. REVISTA JURIDICA ESPAÑOLA DE DOCTRINA, JURISPRUDENCIA Y BIBLIOGRAFIA, 1992, 1-4
PILTZ, B., Entscheidungen des BGH zum CISG Zeitschrift für Transportrecht, Beilage Internationales Handelsrecht (TranspR-IHR), 1999, 13-18
PILTZ, B., INCOTERMS and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in: Pace International Law Review (ed.), Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Kluwer Law International, 1999, 41-51
PILTZ, B., Internationales Kaufrecht NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT, 1989, 615-621
PILTZ, B., Neue Entwicklungen im UN-Kaufrecht NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT (NJW), 1994, 1101-1106
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PILTZ, B., UN-Kaufrecht: Anwendungsbereich und Strukturen INTERNATIONALES STEUERRECHT, 1993, 475-481
PILTZ, B., Wesentliche Vertragsverletzung im UN-Kaufrecht ANWALTSPRAXIS, 1997, 425-426
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PLANTARD, J.P. Le nouveau droit uniforme de la vente internationale: la Convention des Nations Unies du 11 avril 1980 JOURNAL DU DROIT INTERNATIONAL, 1988, 311-367
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POSCH, W., On the Law of International Sale of Goods: An Introduction in: LAFILI, L. / GEVURTZ, F. / CAMPBELL, D. (eds.), SURVEY OF THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS (DEVENTER, KLUWER), 1986, 3-23
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POWERS, P.-J., Defining the Undefinable: Good Faith and the United Nations Convention on the Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Journal of Law and Commerce, 1999, 333-353
PRAGER, M., Verkäuferhaftung und ausländische gewerbliche Schutzrechte (Thèse, Bremen), 1987
PRIMAK, L.S., Computer Software: Should the UN Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Apply? A Contextual Approach to the Question 11 COMPUTER LAW JOURNAL 197-231 (1991)
PUGET, F., Le navire et la Convention de Vienne du 11 avril 1980 sur la vente internationale de marchandises (C.V.I.M.). Quelques réflexions ANNUAIRE DE DROIT MARITIME ET AERO-SPATIAL, 1993, 299
PÜNDER, H., Das Einheitliche UN-Kaufrecht, Anwendung kraft kollisionsrechtlicher Verweisung nach Art. 1 Abs 1 Lit. b UN-Kaufrecht RECHT DER INTERNATIONALEN WIRTSCHAFT, 1990, 869-874
PÜNDER, H., Das UN-Kaufrechtsübereinkommen - Chancen für ein einheitliches Weltkaufrecht JURISTISCHE AUSBILDUNG, 1991, 270-273