Selected Bibliography by Author

Author Title Publisher
C. PEREIRA, I. SCHWENZER, P. COSTA e SILVA (eds.) Convenção das Nações Unidas para os Contratos de Compra e Venda Internacional São Paulo, Almedina, 2022
C.P. GILETTE Attorney"s Fees under the CISG: Stemcor does not disagree with Zapata Internationales Handelsrecht, n.2/2015, 58-59.
CABELLA PISU, L., La mancanza di conformità: il modello della convenzione e la tradizione giuridica italiana AA.VV., LA VENDITA INTERNAZIONALE, ATTI CONVEGNOS. MARGHERITA LIGURE (26-28 SETT. 1980), QUADERNIGIUR. COMM. 39 (MILANO, GIUFFRE), 1981, 359-363
CABRILLAC, R. Etude comparé de la Convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale de marchandises et du droit interne français GEMEINSAMES SEMINAR DER JURISTISCHEN FAKULTÄTEN VON MONTPELLIER UND HEIDELBERG (24ème - 1992) (HEIDELBERG), 1993 pp. 115-128
CADIZ, D.M. / GONZALES III, J.L., Contract Formation Under the Vienna Sales Convention: Reflections for the Philippines 10 WORLD BULLETTIN, 61 ff. (1994)
CADIZ, D.M. / GONZALEZ III, J.L., Contract Formation under the Vienna Sales Convention: some Reflections for the Philipphines 32 INDIAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (1992), 78-101
CAEMMERER VON E. / SCHLECHTRIEM P. Kommentar zum einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht - CISG 2nd ed., C.H. Beck, München 1995
CAEMMERER VON, E., Die wesentliche Vertragsverletzung im internationalen Einheitlichen Kaufrecht GESAMMELTE SCHRIFTEN, TÜBINGEN (MOHR) 1983, III, 67-86;in FESTSCHRIFT HELMUT COING (MÜNCHEN, BECK), 1982, II, 33-52
CAIN, G.H. The Vienna Convention: Posing a New International Law of Sales 57 CONNECTICUT BAR JOURNAL 327-340 (1983)
CALLAGHAN, J.J., UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Examining the Gap-Filling Role of CISG in two French Decisions 14 JOURNAL OF LAW AND COMMERCE 183-200 (1995)
CALLEO, P.J. The Inapplicability of the Parol Evidence Ruel to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 28 Hofstra Law Review (2000), pp. 799-833
CALLIES G.-P., BUCHMANN I. Global Commercial Law between Unity, Pluralism and Competition: the Case of the CISG Uniform law review = Revue de droit uniforme, vol. 21, (2016), 1-22
CALVO CARAVACA, A.L., Consideraciones en torno al artículo 1 de la Convención de Viena de 1980 sobre compraventa internacional de mercaderías HACIA UN NUEVO ORDEN INTERNACIONAL Y EUROPEO. ESTUDIOS EN HOMENAJE AL PROFESOR DON MANUEL DIEZ DE VELASCO (MADRID, EDITORIAL TECNOS), 1993, 1329
CALVO CARAVACA, A.L., La Convención de Viena de 1980 sobre Venta Internacional: algunos problemas de aplicación AA.VV., ESTUDIOS DE DERECHO BANCARIO Y BURSATIL: HOMENAJE A EVELIO VERDERA Y TUELLS (Madrid), LA LEY, 1994, I, 380-413
CAMISA, S.E., From Moscow to Moscow: Primary Contractual Considerations for the International Sale of Goods (Student Comment) 27 IDAHO LAW REVIEW 347-374 (1991)
CAMPBELL, D. (ed.), Remedies for International Sellers of Goods (London, Sweet & Maxwell), 1993, 2 loose-leaf vols.
CAMPINHO M.G. The Exemption from Liability under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (CISG) - Analysis and Brief Comparison with the Brazilian Civil Code in SCHWENZER I./PEREIRA C./TRIPODI L., CISG and Latin America: Regional and Global Perspective, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, 2016, 149 ff.
CAMPUZANO DIAZ, B., La regulación de la compraventa internacional de mercaderías CUADERNOS DE DERECHO Y COMERCIO, 1995, 143-186
CAMPUZANO DIAZ, B., La repercusión del Convenio de Viena de abril de 1980 en el ámbito de la Compraventa Internacional de Marcaderías Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla 2000.
CANZLER, C. Das rechtliche Schicksal von Einkaufsbedingungen im Geltungsbereich des CISG München, Utz, Wiss., 1999, XXI-221 (Münchner juristische Beiträge, 2)
CARBONE, S.M. Interpretazione e integrazione degli strumenti di hard e soft law relativi al commercio internazionale Contratto e impresa/Europa, n.2/2012 (Cedam, Milano), pp. 870-890.
CARBONE, S.M. L"attualità dei criteri interpretativi adottati nella CVIM Diritto del commercio internazionale, no. 4/2011, pp.909-926
CARBONE, S.M., L"ambito di applicazione ed i criteri interpretativi della Convenzione di Vienna sulla vendita internazionale AA.VV., LA VENDITA INTERNAZIONALE, ATTI CONVEGNO S. MARGHERITA LIGURE (26-28 SETT. 1980), QUADERNI GIUR. COMM. 39 (MILANO, GIUFFRE), 1981, 63-88
CARBONNEAU, T.E. / FIRESTONE, M.S. Transnational Law-Making: Assessing the Impact of the Vienna Convention and the Viability of Arbitral Ajudication 1 EMORY JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION 51-80 (1986)
CARETTE, N. Direct Contractual Claim of the Sub-Buyer and International Sale of Goods: Applicable Law and Applicability of the CISG. European Review of Private Law (Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands) 16:4:583-605, 2008.
CARLSEN, A. Usages and Practices Applicable to the Contract: Remarks on the Manner in which the PECL may be used to interpret or supplement Article 9 CISG, in: John Felemegas ed., An International Approach to the Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) as Uniform Sales Law, 277-282 Cambridge University Press, 2006
CARMEN PARRA RODRIGUEZ El nuevo Derecho Internacional de los contratos Barcelona, 2001
CARR, I. International Trade Law, 4th ed. Routledge Cavendish, 2010
CARRARA, C., KUCKENBURG, J. Rejection of Offer followed by Acceptance: Remarks on the Manner in which the Principles of European Contract Law may be used to interpret or supplement Article 17 of the CISG, in: John Felemegas ed., An International Approach to the Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) as Uniform Sales Law, 307-311 Cambridge University Press, 2006
CARTER, J.W., Article 2B: International Perspective 14 Journal of Contract Law 54-71 (1999)
CARTER, J.W., Party Autonomy and Statutory Regulation. Sale of Goods 6 JOURNAL OF CONTRACT LAW 93-122 (1993)
CARVER, J., Uniform Law and Its Impact on Business Circles: The Experience of the Legal Profession UNIDROIT (ed.), INTERNATIONAL UNIFORM LAW IN PRACTICE (3rd CONGRESS ROME 7-10.9.87) (OCEANA - UNIDROIT), 1988, 411-430
CASSONI, G., La compravendita nelle Convenzioni e nel diritto internazionale privato italiano RIVISTA DI DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE PRIVATO E PROCESSUALE, 1982, 429-483
CASTELLANI, L. Assurer l’harmonisation du droit des contrats aux niveaux régional et mondial: la Convention des Nations Unies sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises et le rôle de la CNUDCI. Uniform law review (Roma), 13:1/2:101 - 113, 2008.
CASTELLANI, L.G. Il contributo dei Paesi in via di sviluppo al diritto uniforme: une quantité négligeable?, Diritto del commercio internazionale, n. 1, 2001, 103-121
CASTELLANI, L.G. Ensuring Harmonisation of Contract Law at Regional and Global Level: the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Role of UNCITRAL (Acts of Colloquium in Burkina Faso, 15-17 nov. 2007) Uniform Law Review, 2008, 115
CASTELLANI, L.G. The Contribution of UNCITRAL to the Harmonization of International Sale of Goods Law Besides the CISG Belgrade Law Review, Year LIX (2011) no. 3 pp. 28-38
CASTELLANOS RUIZ, E. Autonomía de la voluntad y derecho uniforme en la compraventa internacional Comares, Granada, 1998 (Biblioteca Comares de Ciencia Jurídica. Colleción Ciencia Jurídica y Derecho Internacional; 3)
CATALANO, J.M., More Fiction than Fact: the Perceived Differences in the Application of Specific Performance under the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 71 Tulane Law Review 1807-1834 (1997)
CAVASSIN KLAMS C./ FADEL BECUE S.M. The Applicability of Force Majeure and Hardship to CISG Contracts Due to Trade Restrictions and to Other Government Actions in Latin America in SCHWENZER I./PEREIRA C./TRIPODI L., CISG and Latin America: Regional and Global Perspective, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, 2016, 527 ff.
CAYTAS, I.G., Der unerfüllbare Vertrag. Anfängliche und nachträgliche Leistungshindernisse und Entlastungsgründe: im Recht der CH, D, A, F, I, GB (Wilmington - Zürich), 1984
CERINA, P., Contratti internazionali di informatica e legge applicabile: prime considerazioni DIRITTO DELL"INFORMAZIONE E DELL"INFORMATICA, 1994, 405-425
CERUTTI, R. Das U.S. amerikanische Warenkaufrecht mit rechtsvergleichenden Hinweisen auf das schweizerische und das deutsche Recht, das CISG sowie die UNIDROIT Principles Zürich, Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag, 1998, pp. XXXIII-541
CERVANTES AHUMADA, R., La Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los contratos de compraventa internacional de mercaderías y las compraventas combinadas (Coloquio Ciudad del México 28/31.7.1981) ANUARIO JURIDICO, 1983, 133-140
CETINER, B. Sachmängelhaftung des Verkäufers nach dem UN-Kaufrecht und der deutschen Schuldrechtsreform Ankara Avrupa Calismalari Dergisi, 2 (2003), 73-102
CHAHAR, A. Extent of Third-Party Claims Materializing in Non-Conformity: Analysis in Light of the Favor Contractus Principle, The Vindobona Journal of Int'l Commercial Law and Arbitration, Vol. 25, no.1/2023, pp. 66-82
CHARTERS A.L., Specifications and the contractual relationship: Art. 65 of the CISG in the light of PECL 7:105 Nordic Journal of Commercial Law, no.2/2004
CHAUDET, F., La garantie des défauts de la chose vendue en droit suisse et dans la Convention de Vienne sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises LES CONTRATS DE VENTE INTERNATIONALE DE MERCHANDISES, 83, Centre du droit de l"enterprise de l"Université de Lausanne, 1991, 84-130
CHEN, L., ZHU, P. Specific Performance Under the CISG: with Comments on Article 107 Of The Contract Law Of The People’s Republic Of China. International Law Review of Wuhan University (Wuhan, China), 2008, pp.289-306.
CHENGWEI L., Comparison of CISG article 45/61 remedial provisions and counterpart PECL articles 8:101 and 8:102 in Nordic Journal of Commerial Law, n. 1/2004
CHIOMENTI C., Does the choice of a-national rules entail an implicit exclusion of the CISG? The European Legal Forum, no 3/2005, pp.141-148.
CHOI, J.S., Rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung der Gefahrtragungsregeln im anglo-amerikanischen und im UN-Kaufrecht (Marburg), Görich & Weirschäuser (ed.), 1991, XXX-151
CHOMSKY, C.L., et alii Learning Sales Law, 2nd ed. St. Paul, Minn., West Academic, 2022.
CIAMBELLA, F., Business Sector"s Attitudes Towards the Vienna Convention (Colloque Ottawa 14.10.1987) PERRET, L. / LACASSE, N. (eds.) COLLOQUE SUR LA VENTE INTERNATIONALE (MONTREAL, WILSON & LAFLEUR), 1989, 285-301
CIGOJ S. et al. Einheitliches Kaufrecht: Erfahrungen mit den Haager Erwartungen vom Wiener Übereinkommen (Symposium Graz 15./16.5.1986) Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung, 1987, 81-106
CIGOJ, S. Das jugoslawische Schuldrecht unter dem Einfluß der Vereinheitlichungsbestrebungen auf dem Gebiet des Warenkaufs (Symposium Graz) ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR RECHTSVERGLEICHUNG, 1987, 97-106
CISG A.C. CISG-AC Opinion no 4, Contracts for the Sale of Goods to Be Manufactured or Produced and Mixed Contracts (Article 3 CISG) Available at the CISG AC website,
CISG-A.C. CISG-A.C. Opinion no. 1, Electronic Communications under the CISG Available at the CISG A.C. website,
CISG-A.C. CISG-A.C. Opinion no. 13, Inclusion of Standard Terms under the CISG Available at the CISG A.C. website,
CISG-A.C. CISG-A.C. Opinion no. 16, Exclusion of the CISG under Article 6 Available at the CISG A.C. website,
CISG-A.C. CISG-A.C. Opinion no. 18, Set-off under the CISG Available at the CISG A.C. website,
CISG-A.C. CISG-A.C. Opinion no. 2, Examination of the Goods and Notice of Non-Conformity Articles 38 and 39 Available at the CISG AC website,
CISG-A.C. CISG-A.C. Opinion no.19, Standards and Conformity of the Goods under Article 35 CISG Available at the CISG A.C. website,
CISG-A.C. CISG-A.C., Opinion no. 14, Interest Under Article 78 CISG Available at the CISG AC website,
CISG-A.C. CISG-AC Opinion No. 15, Reservations under Articles 95 and 96 CISG Available at the CISG-AC website,
CLAEYS, M., De bijzondere rechtsmiddelen van de partijen Houtte, van, H / Erauw, J., Wautelet, P. (eds.), Het Weens Koopverdrag (Antwerp), 1997, 229-274
CLAUSSON, O., Avoidance in Nonpayment Situations and Fundamental Breach Under the 1980 UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 6 NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 93-117 (1984)
CLEVER, D. Convention for the International Sale of Goods: A Practical Guide for the State of Maryland and Its Trade Community 15 MARYLAND JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND TRADE 235 (1991)
CLEVER, D. De certaines incidences de l"entrée en vigueur de la Convention de Rome du 19 juin 1980 sur le droit de la vente internationale de marchandises GAZETTE DU PALAIS, 1991, 2, doctr., pp. 410-415
COEN, C. Vertragsscheitern und Rückabwicklung. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zum englischen und deutschen Recht, zum UN-Kaufrecht sowie zu den UNIDROIT Principles und den Principles of European contract law Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2003, pp. 455 (Beiträge zum europäischen Wirtschaftsrecht, 22)
COLLART DUTILLEUL, F./DELEBECQUE, P. Contrats civils et commerciaux, Paragraphe 5: Vente internationale de marchandises (Paris), 1993
COMOGLIO, L.P., Libertà di forma e libertà di prova nella compravendita internazionale di merci RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI DIRITTO E PROCEDURA CIVILE, 1990, 785-810
CONETTI, G., Disciplina uniforme della compravendita internazionale RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI DIRITTO E PROCEDURA CIVILE, 1983, 272
CONETTI, G., Internationalprivatrechtliche Probleme, die sich aus dem Beitritt Italiens zur Wiener Konvention über den Internationalen Kauf ergeben (Symposium Graz) ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR RECHTSVERGLEICHUNG, 1987, 83-86
CONETTI, G., Problemi di diritto internazionale privato derivanti dalla partecipazione dell"Italia alla Convenzione di Vienna del 1980 RIVISTA DI DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE PRIVATO E PROCESSUALE, 1987, 41-46
CONETTI, G., Rapporti tra convenzioni di diritto materiale ed internazionale privato uniforme: il caso della vendita internazionale L"UNIFICAZIONE DEL DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE PRIVATO E PROCESSUALE: STUDI IN MEMORIA DI M. GIULIANO (PADOVA), CEDAM 1989, 361-371
CONETTI, G., Uniform Substantive and Conflicts Rules on the International Sale of Goods and Their Interaction SARCEVIC, P. / VOLKEN, P. (eds.), INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS, DUBROVNIK LECTURES (NEW YORK, OCEANA), 1986, 385-399
COOK, V. S. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: a mandate to abandon legal ethnocentricity The Journal of Law and Commerce, Spring 1997, 257-263
COOK, V.S., CISG: Form the Perspective of the Practitioner (Symposium-Ten Years of the United Nations Sales Convention) 17 Jounal of Law and Commerce (1998), 343-353
COOK, V.S., The Need for Uniform Interpretation of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Student Note) 50 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURG LAW REVIEW 197-226 (1988)
CORAPI, D. La direttiva 99/44/CE e la Convenzione di Vienna sulla vendita internazionale: verso un nuovo diritto comune della vendita? in: UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA. FACOLTÀ DI GIURISPRUDENZA. Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Diritto del Lavoro – L’attuazione della Direttiva 99/44/CE in Italia e in Europa. La tutela dell’acquirente di beni di consumo. Atti del Convegno internazionale dedicato alla memoria di Alberto Trabucchi. Padova, 14-15 settembre 2001, Padova, Cedam, 2002, 135-148;Europa e diritto privato, 2002, 655-669-148
CORNEY, G., Obligations and Remedies Under the 1980 Vienna Sales Convention 23 QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY JOURNAL 37-58 (1993)
CORTERIER A., Interest in Uniform Application - How To Solve the UN Sales Law"s Interest Rate Problem under CISG Article 78 and CISG Article 84 in Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (2002-2003), 2004, 1-18
CORTERIER, A. Zinsen in einheitlicher Rechtsanwendung Zeitschrift fur Rechtsvergleichung, Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht, 2003, pp.43-51.
COSCIA, G. La disciplina della vendita internazionale e suoi riflessi sull’e-commerce in: Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali, 41 (2003), 631-639.
COSTA, J.M. Os Principios informadores do contrato de compra e venda internacional na Convenção de Viena de 1980 CONTRATOS INTERNACIONAIS E DIREITO ECONÔMICO NO MERCOSUL 163, 1996
COVA ARRIA, L., Métodos de unificación del derecho en la venta internacional REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS JURIDICAS Y POLITICAS (CARACAS), 1987, 15-27
CRAWFORD, G., Drafting Considerations Under the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Symposium Pittsburgh 23.10.1987) 8 JOURNAL OF LAW AND COMMERCE 187-205 (1988)
CUBEDDU, M.G., L"importanza dell"inadempimento (Torino, Giappichelli), 1995, ch. 5
CUNIBERTI G., Is the CISG Benefiting Anybody? in 39 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, No. 5, 2006, pp.1511-1550
CURRAN, V.G., The Interpretive Challenge to Uniformity 15 JOURNAL OF LAW AND COMMERCE (1995) 175-199
CYROV, C., The concept of "place of business" in the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods [in Bulgarian] SOVREMENNO PRAVO, 1995, 67
CZERNICH, D. Un-Kaufrecht: Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in der Vertragspraxis durch nachträgliche Rechtswahl WIRTSCHAFTSRECHTLICHE BLÄTTER 1997, 230-236
CZERWENKA, B., Rechtsanwendungsprobleme im int. Kaufrecht. Das Kollisionsrecht bei grenzüberschreitenden Kaufverträgen und der Anwendungsbereich der int. Kaufrechtsübereinkommen (Berlin), 1988