Selected Bibliography by Author

Author Title Publisher
F. MOSS - P. HACHEM Verjährung von Ansprüchen des Käufers wegen Nichtlieferung und Lieferung vertragswidriger Ware aus CISG nach internem Schweizer Recht Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 2009, pp.1541-1549.
FABER, W., LURGER, B. (eds.) Rules for the Transfer of Movables: a Candidate for European Harmonization or National Reforms? Sellier, Münich, 2008
FAKES, A., The Application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods to Computer, Software and Database Transactions 3 SOFTWARE LAW JOURNAL 559-614 (1990)
FALLON, M. / PHILIPPE, D. La Convention de Vienne sur les contrats de vente internationale de merchandises Journal des Tribunaux 117, 1998, 17-38
FARNSWORTH E.A. Art. 8 CISG in: BIANCA C.M. / BONELL M.J. (eds.), Commentary on the International Sales Law, Giuffrè, Milano 1987, 95-102
FARNSWORTH E.A. Arts. 18-24 CISG in: BIANCA C.M. / BONELL M.J. (eds.), Commentary on the International Sales Law, Giuffrè, Milano 1987, 163-204
FARNSWORTH E.A. et al. American Bar Association Symposium on International Sale of Goods Convention (Atlanta 1.8.1983) 18 The International Lawyer 1-56 (1984)
FARNSWORTH, E.A. Problems of the Unification of Sales Law from the Standpoint of the Common Law Countries 7 DIGEST OF COMMERCIAL LAWS OF THE WORLD 3-25 (1980)
FARNSWORTH, E.A. The Convention on the International Sale of Goods from the Perspective of the Common Law Countries AA.VV., LA VENDITA INTERNAZIONALE, ATTI CONVEGNO S. MARGHERITA LIGURE (26-28 SETT. 1980), QUADERNI GIUR. COMM. 39 (MILANO), 1980, 3-21
FARNSWORTH, E.A. The Vienna Convention: History and Scope 18 THE INTERNATIONAL LAWYER 17-20 (1984)
FARNSWORTH, E.A., Damages and Specific Relief 27 AMERICAN JOURNAL COMPARATIVE LAW 247-253 (1979)
FARNSWORTH, E.A., Duties of Good Faith and Fair Dealing under the UNIDROIT Principles, Relevant International Conventions and National Laws 3 TULANE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 47 (1995)
FARNSWORTH, E.A., Review of Standard Forms or Terms Under the Vienna Convention (Cornell Symposium) 21 CORNELL INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 439-447 (1988)
FARNSWORTH, E.A., Rights and Obligations of the Seller (Lausanner Colloquium 19./20.11.1984) WIENER ÜBEREINKOMMEN VON 1980 ÜBER DEN INT. WARENKAUF, SCHWEIZERISCHES INSTITUT FÜR RECHTSVERGLEICHUNG (ZÜRICH), 1985, 83-90
FATHARLY, Y. The Implications of Australia"s Implementation of the Vienna Sales Convention LEX MUNDI WORLD REPORTS (SUPPL. N. 30, DECEMBER 1993), 17-31
FAUST, F. Zinsen bei Zahlungsverzug Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, 68 (2004), 511-527
FAUST, F., Die Vorhersehbarkeit des Schadens gemäß Art. 74 Satz 2 UN-Kaufrecht (CISG) (Tübingen), 1996
FAWCETT J. / HARRIS J. / BRIDGE M. International Sale of Goods in The Conflict of Laws Oxford University Press (Private International Law Series), Oxford 2005
FEJÕS, A. Battle of the Forms under the CISG 11 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (2007/1), pp. 113-129
FELEMEGAS, J. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: article 7 and uniform interpretation Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), (2000-2001), 115-379.
FELEMEGAS, J. (ed) An International Approach to the Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) as Uniform Sales Law Cambridge University Press 2007, pp. 544
FELTHAM, J.D. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods JOURNAL OF BUSINESS LAWYER 346-361 (1981)
FELTHAM, J.D., C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts and the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods JOURNAL OF BUSINESS LAW 413-425 (1991)
FELTHAM, Y. The Vienna Convention of 1980 and Canada (Colloque Ottawa 14.10.1987) PERRET, L. / LACASSE, N. (eds.) COLLOQUE SUR LA VENTE INTERNATIONALE (MONTREAL, WILSON & LAFLEUR), 1989, 13-19
FENEON, A. L"influence de la CIVM sur le nouveau droit de la vente commerciale in Penant, 115 (2005), pp. 464-473
FERNANDEZ DE LA GANDARA, L., La posición jurídica del vendedor: la obligación de entrega de las mercaderías en particular (Contribución al estudio de la Convención de Viena de 11 de abril de 1980) ESTUDIOS JURÍDICOS EN HOMENAJE AL PROF MENÉNDEZ. TOMO III CONTRATOS MERCANTILES, DERECHO CONCURSAL Y DERECHO DE LA NAVIGACIÓN (MADRID) 1996, 2764-2799
FERNANDEZ DE LA GANDARA, L./ CALVO CARAVACA, A.L. Derecho Mercantil Internacional MADRID, TECNOS, 1995, 2ND ED., PP. 566
FERRANTE E. Homeward trend o interpretazioni autonome? Un bilancio della giurisprudenza italiana sulla Convenzione di Vienna Contratto e impresa/Europa, n.1/2016, 23 ff.
FERRANTE, E. "Battle of forms" and the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). A note on the BGH (German Supreme Court) decision of 9 January 2002 in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 8 (2003), 975 - 981
FERRANTE, E. L"uso del precedente straniero nella giurisprudenza italiana fra Convenzione di Vienna e futuro regolamento europeo della vendita Contratto e Impresa/Europa, 2015, 512 ss.
FERRANTE, E. La battle of forms nella Convenzione di Vienna: una recente decisione del Tribunale federale tedesco Contratto e Impresa/Europa, 8 (2003), 485-511.
FERRARI F. International Sale of Goods / Contrat de vente international. Applicabilité et applications de la Convention de Vienne sur les contrats de vente international de marchandises Helbing & Lichtenhahn (Basel); Bruylant (Brüssel) 1999
FERRARI F. Art. 10 CISG in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 4th ed., C.H. Beck, München 2004, 198-201
FERRARI F. Art. 7 CISG in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 4th ed., C.H. Beck, München 2004, 138-162
FERRARI F. Artt. 1-6 CISG in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 4th ed., C.H. Beck, München 2004, 41-137
FERRARI F. Artt. 89-101 CISG in: SCHLECHTRIEM P. / SCHWENZER I. (eds.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 4th ed., C.H. Beck, München 2004
FERRARI F. Autonomous Interpretation versus Homeward Trend versus outward Trend in CISG Case Law Uniform law review = Revue de droit uniforme, vol. 22 (2017), 244-257.
FERRARI F. La vendita internazionale - Applicabilità ed applicazioni della Convenzione di Vienna del 1980 in: Trattato di diritto commerciale e di diritto pubblico dell"economia (Vol. XXI), CEDAM, Padova 1997
FERRARI F. PIL and CISG: Friends or Foes? Internationales Handelsrecht (3/2012), pp.89-113.
FERRARI F. Tribunale di Vigevano: specific aspects of the CISG uniformly dealt with Journal of Law and Commerce, 20 (2001) spring, 225-239
FERRARI F. Writing requirements: article 11-13 in: FERRARI F. / FLECHTNER H. / BRAND R.A. (eds.), The Draft UNICITRAL Digest and Beyond. Cases, Analysis and Unresolved Issues in the U.N. Sales Convention, München, Sellier; London, Sweet and Maxwell, 2003, 206-215
FERRARI F. (ed.) The 1980 Uniform Sales Law: Old Issues Revisited in the Light of Recent Experiences Sellier, München 2003
FERRARI F. - TORSELLO M. International sales law - CISG: in a nutshell St. Paul, Minn., West Academic Publishing, 3rd ed. 2022
Ferrari F. - Torsello M. International sales law - CISG: in a nutshell. St. Paul, Minn., West Academic, 2014.
FERRARI F. / FLECHTNER H. / BRAND R.A. (eds.) The Draft UNCITRAL Digest and Beyond. Cases, Analysis and Unresolved Issues in the U.N. Sales Convention Sellier (München); Sweet and Maxwell (London) 2003
FERRARI F., Exclusion et inclusion de la CVIM Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales / International Business Law Journal, n. 3/4, 2001, 401-414
FERRARI F., Recent Italian Court Decisions on the CISG Revue De Droit Des Affaires Internationales / International Business Law Journal, n.2, 2001, 224-230
FERRARI F., CISG Case Law on the Rate of Interest on Sums in Arrears - Le taux d’intéret applicable au montant des arriérés dans la jurisprudence concernant la CVIM 1 Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales - International Business Law Journal, 86-93 (1999)
FERRARI F., Contrattazione via mezzi informatici e la Convenzione delle Nazione Unite sui contratti di vendita internazionale di beni mobili in Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali, 42 (2004), 5-21
FERRARI F., L"inadempimento essenziale nella vendita internazionale - 25 anni dell"art. 25 della Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui contratti di vendita internazionale di beni mobili in Diritto del commercio internazionale, 2005, 59-78
FERRARI F., La disciplina sostanziale della vendita internazionale ed il saggio d"interessi in Giurisprudenza di merito, 2004, pp.1069-1079
FERRARI F., Nuove e vecchie questioni in materia di vendita internazionale tra interpretazione autonoma e ricorso alla giurisprudenza straniera in Giurisprudenza italiana, 2004, 1405-1419
FERRARI F., Quo vadis CISG?: Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods München, Sellier European Law Publishers, 2005
FERRARI F., Remarks on the UNCITRAL digest"s comments on Article 6 CISG in: The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 13-37
FERRARI F., Short notes on the impact of the Article 95 reservation on the occasion of Prime Start Ltd. v. Maher Forest Products Ltd. et al., 17 July 2006 in Internationals Handelsrecht 6/2006, pp. 248 - 252
FERRARI F., Wesentliche Vertragsverletzung nach UN-Kaufrecht in IHR - Internationales Handelsrecht, no.5/2005, pp.1 - 8
FERRARI F., What sources of law for contracts for the international sale of goods? - Why one has to look beyond the CISG Internationales Handelsrecht, n1/2006, pp.1-20
FERRARI, F. I rapporti tra le convenzioni di diritto materiale uniforme in materia contrattuale e la necessità di un"interpretazione interconvenzionale Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, n. 3, 2000, 669-688; versione francese in Journal du droit international, 130 (2003), 791 - 809 in
FERRARI, F. Applying the CISG in a Truly Uniform Manner: Tribunale di Vigevano (Italy), 12 July 2000 Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme (2001), no. 1, 203-215
FERRARI, F. Auslegung von Parteierklärungen und –verhalten nach UN-Kaufrecht Internationales Handelsrecht, 3 (2003), 1-10.
FERRARI, F. Burden of proof under the CISG Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), (2000-2001), 1-10
FERRARI, F. Burden of proof under the CISG Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), (2000-2001), 1-10.
FERRARI, F. CISG and private international law in: FERRARI, F. (Ed.) - The 1980 Uniform Sales Law. Old issues revisited in the light of recent experiences. Verona Conference 2003, Milano, Giuffrè, München, Sellier European Publishers, 2003, 19-55.
FERRARI, F. CISG rules on exclusion and derogation: art. 6 in: FERRARI, F. - FLECHTNER, H. - BRAND, R.A. (Eds.) - The draft UNICITRAL digest and beyond. Cases, analysis and unresolved issues in the U.N. Sales Convention, München, Sellier, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 2003, 114-137.
FERRARI, F. Contrat de vente internationale : applicabilité et applications de la Convention de Vienne sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises 2. éd. rev., Bâle; Genève; Munich [et al.] : Helbing & Lichtenhahn [et al.], 2005
FERRARI, F. Diritto uniforme della vendita internazionale: questioni di applicabilità e diritto internazionale privato Rivista di diritto civile, 1995, II, 669-685
FERRARI, F. Divergences in the application of the CISG"s rules on non-conformity of goods Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, 68 (2004), 473-494
FERRARI, F. Fondamenti della vendita internazionale CEDAM, Padova, 1998
FERRARI, F. Form und UN-Kaufrecht in: IHR. Internationales Handelsrecht, 1 (2004), 1- 7
FERRARI, F. Fundamental Breach of Contract under the UN Sales Convention - 25 Years Article 25 CISG Revue de droit des affaires internationales/International Business law, n.3/2005, pp.389-400
FERRARI, F. Gap-filling and interpretation of the CISG: overview of international case law Revue de droit des affaires internationales / International Business Law Review, (2003), 221-230
FERRARI, F. Gap-filling and interpretation of the CISG: overview of international case law Revue de droit des affaires internationales / International Business Law Review, (2003), 221-230.
FERRARI, F. General Principles and International Uniform Commercial Law Conventions: a Study of the 1980 Vienna Sales Convention and 1988 Unidroit Conventions Uniform Law Review, 1997, 3, 451-473
FERRARI, F. Il diritto uniforme: la vendita internazionale GALGANO, F. / FERRARI, F., G. AJANI (eds.), ATLANTE DI DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO ,ZANICHELLI, BOLOGNA, TERZA ED.1993, PP. 220
FERRARI, F. International sales law and the inevitability of forum shopping. A comment on Tribunale di Rimini, 26 November 2002 Journal of Law and Commerce, 23 (2004), 169-192
FERRARI, F. Interpretation of statements and conduct under the Convention for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) in the light of case law Revue de droit des affaires internationales / International Business Law Review, no. 1 (2003), 96-107.
FERRARI, F. Interpretation of statements: article 8 in: : FERRARI, F. - FLECHTNER, H. - BRAND, R.A. (Eds.) - The draft UNICITRAL digest and beyond. Cases, analysis and unresolved issues in the U.N. Sales Convention, München, Sellier, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 2003, 172-190.
FERRARI, F. Interpretation of the Convention and gap-filling: article 7 in: FERRARI, F. - FLECHTNER, H. - BRAND, R.A. (Eds.) - The draft UNICITRAL digest and beyond. Cases, analysis and unresolved issues in the U.N. Sales Convention, München, Sellier, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 2003, 138-171.
FERRARI, F. Italienische CISG-Rechtsprechung - Eine Übersicht Internationales Handelsrecht, Heft 5, 2001, pp. 179 - 186
FERRARI, F. La Convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale et le droit international privé in Journal du droit international, 133 (2006), pp. 27-61
FERRARI, F. La place de la régionalisation dans l"unification du droit de la vente Revue de droit des affaires internationales / International Business Law Journal, 2004, 445-459
FERRARI, F. La vendita internazionale : applicabilità ed applicazioni della Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui contratti di vendita internazionale di beni mobili 2 ed., Padova: Cedam, 2006
FERRARI, F. Overview of case law on the CISG’s international sphere of application and its applicability requirements (Articles 1(1)(a) and (b)) Revue de droit des affaires internationales, no. 8 (2002), 961-975
FERRARI, F. Quali fonti per la disciplina della vendita internazionale di beni mobili? Delle ragioni per cui occorre guardare oltre la Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui contratti di vendita internazionale di beni mobili Contratto e impresa/Europa, n.2/2012 (Cedam, Milano), pp. 773-837
FERRARI, F. The CISG’s sphere of application: articles 1-3 and 10 in: FERRARI, F. - FLECHTNER, H. - BRAND, R.A. (Eds.) - The draft UNICITRAL digest and beyond. Cases, analysis and unresolved issues in the U.N. Sales Convention, München, Sellier, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 2003, 21-95.
FERRARI, F. The Interaction Between the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and Domestic Remedies. Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (Tübingen, Germany), no.1/2007, pp. 52-80.
FERRARI, F. The relationship between international uniform contract law conventions Journal of Law and Commerce, 22 (2003), 57-76
FERRARI, F. The Relationship between the UCC and CISG and the Construction of Uniform Law 29 LOYOLA (LOS ANGELES) LAW REVIEW 1021-1033 (1996)
FERRARI, F. Trade usage and practices established between the parties: article 9 in: FERRARI, F. - FLECHTNER, H. - BRAND, R.A. (Eds.) - The draft UNICITRAL digest and beyond. Cases, analysis and unresolved issues in the U.N. Sales Convention, München, Sellier, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 2003, 191-205.
FERRARI, F. Trade usages and practices established between parties under the CISG Revue de droit des affaires internationales / International Business Law Review, (2003), 571-580.
FERRARI, F. Uniform interpretation of international commercial law conventions (with particular reference to the Vienna Sales Convention) in: PERRET, L. - BISSON, A.-F. - MARIANI, N. - (Eds.) - Evolution des systèmes juridiques, bijuridisme et commerce international. The evolution of legal systems, bijuralism and international trade. Textes présentés lors d’un colloque organisée par la Faculté de droit de l’Université d’Ottawa, le Ministère de la Justice du Canada et le Patrimoine canadien, tenu à Ottawa, Ont., du 20 au 21 oct. 2000…, Ottawa, Wilson & Lafleur, 2002, 443-465. (La collection bleue. Série ouvrages collectifs)
FERRARI, F. Uniform interpretation of the 1980 Uniform Sales Law RABELLO, A.M. (Ed.), Essays on European Law and Israel, The Harry and Michael Sacher Institute, Jerusalem, 1996, 511-554
FERRARI, F. Universal and regional sales law: can they coexist? Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 8 (2003), 177-189
FERRARI, F. Verzugszinsen nach Art. 78 UN-Kaufrecht IHR. Internationales Handelsrecht, 3 (2003), 153-160
FERRARI, F. Zum vertraglichen Ausschluss des UN-Kaufrechts Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht, 4 (2002), 737-746
FERRARI, F. [The CISG] Homeward Trend: What, Why and Why Not. Internationales Handelsrecht (1/2009), 8-24
FERRARI, F. (ed.) The CISG and Its Impact on National Legal Systems. Münich, Sellier, 2008.
FERRARI, F., Problematiche tipiche della Convenzione di Vienna sui contratti di vendita internazionale di beni mobili risolte in una prospettiva uniforme Giurisprudenza italiana, febbraio 2001, 281 et seq.
FERRARI, F., Burden of Proof under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods Revue de droit des affaires internationales, 2000, 665-670
FERRARI, F., CISG Art. 1(1)(b) and Related Matters: Brief Remarks on the Occasion of Recent Dutch Court Decision NEDERLANDS INTERNATIONAAL PRIVAATRECHT (NIPR) (1995), 317-328
FERRARI, F., CISG Case Law: a New Challenge for Interpreters ? (Symposium-Ten Years of the United Nations Sales Convention) 17 Journal of Law and Commerce (1998), 245-261
FERRARI, F., Comparative Ruminations on the Foreseeability of Damages in Contract Law 53 LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW 1257-1269 (1993)
FERRARI, F., Contratti di distribuzione, ambito di applicazione ratione materiae della Convenzione di Vienna del 1980: gli insegnamenti che si possono trarre dalla giurisprudenza straniera Giustizia civile, 2000, 2334-2342
FERRARI, F., Der Begriff des "internationalen Privatrechts" nach Art. 1 Abs. 1 lit.b) des UN-Kaufrechts Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht, 1998, 162
FERRARI, F., El ámbito de aplicación del Convenio de Viena sobre la compraventa internacional REVISTA DE DERECHO MERCANTIL, 1996, 833
FERRARI, F., Estudios comparativos en materia de conclusión del contrato en los países de América del Sur con referencias a la Convención de Viena sobre la venta internacional REVISTA DEL DERECHO COMERCIAL Y DE LAS OBLIGACIONES, 1992, N. 145/150, 51
FERRARI, F., Implementations of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) International Business Law Journal, 1998, 835-839
FERRARI, F., Interprétation uniforme de la Convention de Vienne de 1980 sur la vente internationale REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT COMPARÉ, 1996, 813-852
FERRARI, F., L"ambito di applicazione della convenzione di Vienna sulla vendita internazionale RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI DIRITTO E PROCEDURA CIVILE, 1994, 893-934
FERRARI, F., La rilevanza degli usi nella Convenzione di Vienna sulla vendita internazionale di beni mobili CONTRATTO E IMPRESA, 1994, 237-258
FERRARI, F., Principi generali inseriti nelle convenzioni internazionali di diritto uniforme: l"esempio della vendita, del "factoring" e del "leasing" internazionali RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI DIRITTO E PROCEDURA CIVILE, 3, 1997, 651-677
FERRARI, F., Princìpi generali inseriti nelle convenzioni internazionali di diritto uniforme: l"esempio della vendita, del "factoring" e del "leasing" internazionali, RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI DIRITTO E PROCEDURA CIVILE,1997, 30, 651-677.
FERRARI, F., Rapporto tra diritto materiale uniforme di origine convenzionale e diritto internazionale privato Il Corriere Giuridico, n. 7, 2000, 933-939
FERRARI, F., Specific Topics of the CISG in the Light of Judicial Application and Scholarly Writing 15 JOURNAL OF LAW AND COMMERCE (1995), 1-126;PREADVIEZEN UITGEBRACHT VOOR DE VERENIGING VOOR BURGELIJK RECHT, X, 1995, 81-174
FERRARI, F., Tasso degli interessi ed applicazione uniforme della Convenzione di Vienna sui contratti di vendita internazionale RIVISTA DI DIRITTO CIVILE, 1995, II, 277-291
FERRARI, F., The International Sphere of Application of the 1988 Ottawa Convention on International Factoring 31 THE INTERNATIONAL LAWYER 41-63 (1997)
FERRARI, F., The relationship between international uniform contract law Conventions Uniform Law Review, 2000, 69-84
FERRARI, F., The Sphere of Application of the 1980 Vienna Sales Convention (Deventer/Boston), 1995
FERRARI, F., Uniform Application and Interest Rates Under the 1980 Vienna Sales Convention 24 GEORGIA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 467-478 (1995)
FERRARI, F., Uniform Interpretation of the 1980 Uniform Sales Law GEORGIA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 183-228 (1994)
FERRARI, F., Uniform Law of International Sales: Issues of Applicability and Private International Law 15 JOURNAL OF LAW AND COMMERCE 159-174 (1995)
FERRARI, F., Vendita internazionale di beni mobili. Tomo I - Art. 1-13 (Commentario del Codice Civile Scialoja-Branca, Supplemento) (Bologna, Zanichelli), 1994
FERRERI S. La riforma americana della vendita e la convenzione delle Nazioni Unite del 1980 (CISG): un progresso verso l"armonia o la dissonanza Rivista di Diritto Civile, n. 1, 2001, 147-172
FERRERI S., Remarks concerning the implementation of the CISG by the courts (the seller"s performance and article 35) in: The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 223-239
FERRERI, S. La vendita commerciale e l"elusivo obiettivo dell"uniformazione Studi in onore di Aldo Frignani, Nuovi orizzonti del diritto comparato, europeo e transnazionale, Jovene napoli 2011, pp.243-254
FERRERI, S. Vendita internazionale di beni mobili Digesto delle discipline privatistiche, Sezione civile, vol. XIX, Torino Utet 1999, pp. 703-715
FINKE, K., Die Bedeutung der int. Handelsklauseln für den Gefahrübergang nach deutschem und US-amerikanischem Recht, eine rechtsvergleichende Studie (Diss. Augsburg 1983), Frankfurt 1984, 237 p.
FISCHER, J., Die Unsicherheitseinrede: Eine rechtsvergl. Untersuchung über die Rechte eines Vertragspartners bei Vermögensverschlechterung der anderen Partei zum dt.und US Recht (Frankfurt, Lang) 1988
FISHER, S. / HAINS, M. Futures Market Law and Practice and the Vienna Sales Convention LLOYD"S MARITIME AND COMMERCIAL LAW QUARTERLY 531-56 (1993)
FITZGERALD, J., CISG specific performance, and the civil law of Louisiana and Quebec The Journal of Law and Commerce, Spring 1997, 291-313
FLECHTNER H.M., Buyer"s remedies in general and buyer"s performance-oriented remedies in: The Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 339-347
FLECHTNER, H. M. The Exemption Provisions of the Sales Convention, including Comments on "Hardship" Doctrine and the 19 June 2009 Decision of the Belgian Cassation Court Belgrade Law Review, Year LIX (2011) no. 3, pp. 84-101
FLECHTNER, H. M., BRAND, R.A., WALTER, M.S. (eds.) Drafting Contracts Under the CISG Oxford University Press, 2007
FLECHTNER, H., LOOKOFSKY, J. Viva Zapata! American Procedure and CISG Substance in a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal 7 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (2003) 93-104
FLECHTNER, H.-M., The U.N. Sales Convention (CISG) and MCC-Marble Ceramic Center, Inc. v. Ceramica Nuova D"Agostino, S.p.a.: The Elevent Circuit Weighs in on Interpretation, Subjective Intent, Procedural Limits to the Convention"s Scope, and the Parol Evidence Rule Journal of Law and Commerce, 1999, 259-287
FLECHTNER, H.M. Buyer’s obligation to give notice of lack of conformity (Articles 38, 39, 40 and 44) in: FERRARI, F. - FLECHTNER, H. - BRAND, R.A. (Eds.) - The draft UNICITRAL digest and beyond. Cases, analysis and unresolved issues in the U.N. Sales Convention, München, Sellier, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 2003, 377-391.
FLECHTNER, H.M. Conformity Of Goods, Third Party Claims, and Buyer’s Notice of Breach Under the United Nations Convention (“CISG”), with Comments on the “Mussles Case,” The “Stolen Automobile Case,” and The “Ugandan Used Shoes Case”. University of Pittsburgh School of Law Paper Series, Paper 64, 2007.
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